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标题:[python-chinese] 如何发送正确的http请求下载文件

2007年01月30日 星期二 09:48

wxt1984 wxt1984在
星期二 一月 30 09:48:30 HKT 2007

Hi All
import httplibconn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")conn.set_debuglevel(1)conn.putrequest('GET','/UploadFiles/2006-8/830935836.mp3',False,True)conn.putheader('Accept',"*/*")conn.putheader('Connection',"close")conn.endheaders()rMsg = conn.getresponse()这段代码总是返回HTTP 400错误 显示请求语法有问题,本人对http协议了解不深,望高手赐教,不胜感激
Best Regard and Thanks 
-------------- 涓嬩竴閮ㄥ垎 --------------


2007年01月30日 星期二 10:10

Hong Yuan hongyuan在
星期二 一月 30 10:10:53 HKT 2007

*class HTTPConnection*( 	host[, port])

    An HTTPConnection instance represents one transaction with an HTTP
    server. It should be instantiated passing it a host and optional
    port number. If no port number is passed, the port is extracted from
    the host string if it has the form |host:port|, else the default
    HTTP port (80) is used. For example, the following calls all create
    instances that connect to the server at the same host and port:

    >>> h1 = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
    >>> h2 = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
    >>> h3 = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 80)

ÒÔÉÏΪPython ManualµÄÄÚÈÝ¡£Ó¦¸ÃHTTPConnectionºó²»ÓÃÔÚÊäÈëЭÒé'http://'ÁË°É¡£

wxt1984 дµÀ:
> Hi All
> import httplib
> conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
> conn.set_debuglevel(1)
> conn.putrequest('GET','/UploadFiles/2006-8/830935836.mp3',False,True)
> conn.putheader('Accept',"*/*")
> conn.putheader('Connection',"close")
> conn.endheaders()
> rMsg = conn.getresponse()
> Õâ¶Î´úÂë×ÜÊÇ·µ»ØHTTP 400´íÎó ÏÔʾÇëÇóÓï·¨ÓÐÎÊÌ⣬±¾È˶ÔhttpЭÒéÁ˽ⲻ 
> ÉÍû¸ßÊִͽ̣¬²»Ê¤¸Ð¼¤
> Best Regard and Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Å®ÓÑϲ»¶È¥µÄºÃµØ·½!ËùÓ櫶«ÍÂѪ¼Û µã»÷½øÈëÓдó¾ªÏ²! 
> <;=1319,1299,145&cid;=29985,198,1&sid;=45085&show;=ignore&url;=> 
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