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标题:[zeuux-universe] 技术界新闻,转发自slashdot

2010年01月17日 星期日 13:27

Zhang Weiwu zhangweiwu在realss.com
星期日 一月 17 13:27:00 CST 2010

| China Begins Monitoring Billions of Text Messages                                            |
|   from the that-would-be-a-terrible-job dept.                                                |
|   posted by Soulskill on Saturday January 16, @13:16 (Censorship)                            |
|   https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/01/16/1718208/China-Begins-Monitoring-Billions-of-Text-Me|

eldavojohn writes "The Telegraph is reporting that China has [0]begun
monitoring 'billions of text messages' in order to increase censorship.
However, a People's Daily article [1]claims they only monitor users who
have been reported, and only shut down their message service if the
complaints are true. Anything considered pornographic will require the
user to bring a letter of guarantee to the local public security bureau
promising to never again send such messages before service can be

Discuss this story at:

    0. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/6996885/China-begins-monitoring-billions-of-text-messages-as-censorship-increases.html
    1. http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90776/90882/6870220.html




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