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标题:[zeuux-universe] Thank a developer day

2011年02月26日 星期六 04:19

Akira Urushibata afu在wta.att.ne.jp
星期六 二月 26 04:19:37 CST 2011

What to do on this day:

This page says: "Send a thank you E-mail to a developer."
(This page should be translated to Chinese.)

We can send messages to authors and translators of free documents.

We can add thank you messages to our web sites:
"This page is powered by [program name]  Thank you, [developer name]"
这网站使用[自由软件名]   多谢[开发者名]

We can discuss with our friends about programs and features we use
every day.  We use some tools so much that we forget that they did not
exist before someone invented them.  

不知礼无以立也 论语

有朋自远方来不亦乐呼 论语

This message uses hanzi.  Thank you, Cang Jie.
这信使用汉字. 我尊敬苍颉.




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