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标题:[zeuux-universe] [CPeX] Managing Multiple Freelance Gigs With Mind Maps

2008年12月16日 星期二 21:27

Zoom.Quiet zoom.quiet在gmail.com
星期二 十二月 16 21:27:46 CST 2008

由于 FreeMind 的稳定和接口明晰,竟然可以这么玩!?!?

2008/12/16 yyq <yyq123在gmail.com>

> http://freelanceswitch.com/working/managing-multiple-freelance-gigs-with-mind-maps/
> The Process
> *Work Grid Setup*
> The general setup process is to produce a grid of days versus tasks. Using
> MindJet MindManager's "organization chart" mode, I've produced the example
> mind map above. Here are the basic steps I applied:
>    1. Produce a row of "day" nodes.
>    2. Use node color and shape to distinguish "day" from "task" nodes.
>    I've used a hexagon shape and a blue background to mark days. For tasks,
>    I've used a "rounded rectangle" but different colors indicate the "value" of
>    the task. Not all mind mapping packages offer this, but most offer a choice
>    of node colors.
>    3. For each day, add a list of tasks that you hope to accomplish. Don't
>    worry about the order just yet. Make your task nodes distinct by "value. In
>    my example:
>       - Green is a billable task.
>       - Orange is a task that leads up to billable work. E.g., scope or
>       plan for a project.
>       - Salmon pink is research leading to another type of task.
>    4. For any project that cannot be completed in a single day, break it
>    down into related tasks and assign one or more tasks to various days. (I
>    usually mark only the final sub-task as being billable, because that
>    includes delivery to the client.)
>    5. Give each task and project a short code, to keep the grid compact.
>    Codes might repeat across the grid.
>    6. For a task that is actually billable, write the value in brackets.
>    You can see in a zoomed in snapshot further down this article that I've only
>    written in values for green task nodes. But for a given project, I might use
>    2-3 other task colors to indicate scoping, research or editing tasks. These
>    tasks lead to billable activity but are not in themselves billable. How you
>    break this up is entirely up to you. Small projects that can be completed
>    all in one work session do not need to be broken down into multi-day tasks.
>    7. Use a spreadsheet to total up each day's billables, based on your
>    initial breakdown. MindJet allows insertion of their own spreadsheets or a
>    "window" to an Excel spreadsheet, so that's what I've used in this example
>    (see somewhere below). You could also use Open Office or Google
>    Spreadsheets.
> This grid view allows you to easily adjust your schedule so that you're not
> slacking one day and sweating the next. Remember to adjust your billables
> spreadsheet accordingly.
> Here is another view, below, of the same work grid, with some of the mind
> map lines removed, and manually-added relationship lines (dotted) between
> groups of related tasks. (This makes moving items around much easier to
> track.)
> *Work Grid Usage*
> At the start of your work day, try to estimate how much time it'll take you
> to complete scheduled tasks. Even if you don't think you'll make them all,
> leave the tasks where they are.
> Assess your work at the end of day:
>    1. Check off completed items. I prefer not to delete older tasks, so I
>    simply hide them under a collapsed "day" node. It's easier to track work
>    this way, without having clutter.
>    2. Consider your work grid to be organic. If an item was not completed,
>    move it the next appropriate day. If it's a chain of related tasks, you'll
>    have to adjust the subsequent ones as necessary.
>    3. Adjust your billables spreadsheet to reflect the actual work you
>    completed today and the estimated work for the future. I usually try to map
>    out no more than 2-3 weeks at a time. As I complete a week and hide the work
>    log nodes, I add another week.
> Here is a closeup snapshot of a sample freelance work grid, complete with
> MindManager native spreadsheet fragment. I've used the value of $1 per
> billable task (in green) for the example.
> 语虚 http://yyq123.journalspace.com/
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> "Copy&Paste; Exchange" group.
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/mindex?hl=zh-CN
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---

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