2009年01月27日 星期二 11:09
在 2008-12-28日的 13:04 +0800,Yongwei Wu写道: > - 易用性差。比如,贴一张新图的功能在File > Acquire下,我用了很久之后才 > 找到。又比如,浏览图片的Hand Tool没有,我也过了一段时间才看到右下角 > 的用来navigate的图标。 近日春节在家,遇到一位Photoshop用户,一起给老父亲教图像处理(他工作上用 得到)。得到photoshop用户的一点粗点评说GIMP易用性好的地方是浮动图层。我 没有使用photoshop的经验,但是疑心贴主因为经验而有成见。又及:我使用gimp 时也感到工具箱和对话框与图像窗体分开 有不便处,所以对我使用的fluxbox做了个性化的设置,做了快照如下: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Efficient_GIMP_in_fluxbox.png > - 没有16位每通道的图像支持。这个功能可以大大减少处理过程中的数字化痕迹 > (artefact)。 我今日偶然读到以下内容。 抄自Cine Paint FAQ: > Did you fork GIMP? > Back in 1998, the film industry employed some GIMP developers to > enhance GIMP for 16-bit deep painting. GIMP never released that code. > It was called the HOLLYWOOD branch in GIMP CVS and within the film > industry it was known as Film Gimp. In 2000, the GIMP project > announced a new direction, GEGL. Film Gimp was forgotten. In 2002, I > discovered Film Gimp in use at the studio Rhythm & Hues while writing > a story for Linux Journal. Readers wrote me for the tarball and > started sending me patches. I made the patched code available on > SourceForge. Film Gimp was renamed CinePaint and has evolved > significantly since. 抄自GIMP FAQ: > When can we see 16-bit per channel support (or better)? > For some industries, especially photography, 24-bit colour depths (8 > bits per channel) are a real barrier to entry. Once again, it's GEGL > to the rescue. Work on integrating GEGL into GIMP will begin after 2.4 > is released. Once that work is completed, GIMP will support 16 bits > per channel. If you need such support now and can't wait, cinepaint > and krita support 16 bits per channel now. > > It should be noted that for publishing to the web, the current GIMP > release is good enough. 所以或许cine paint可以解决你的需求。也许你已经知道了,贴出来使大家也知 道。
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