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标题:[zeuux-universe] Wang Rong sells peaches

2010年08月02日 星期一 09:29

Yesheng Zou yeshengzou在gmail.com
星期一 八月 2 09:29:09 CST 2010

在商业上,一个 normal idea 把它说得很 abnormal 这是运作需要,商业手段我倒觉得无可厚非。

只是如果是写代码的人,我个人还是欣赏开放,自由的态度 :)

2010/7/31 Akira Urushibata <afu在wta.att.ne.jp>

> When we hear the above story, we think that Wang Rong went to an
> extreme.  Software companies today do similar things, but people do
> not consider it abnormal.
> Computer software is a new industry and ordinary people do not
> understand it well.  Some companies spread an idea, saying "we are
> specialists, we know about these things", before people started to
> think and discuss what is normal and what is abnormal.
> Maybe the above story will help people think what is normal and
> what is abnormal.

From:  Yesheng Zou
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