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标题:[zeuux-universe] Emacs Chinese input: rare characters

2012年06月22日 星期五 10:49

Akira Urushibata afu在wta.att.ne.jp
星期五 六月 22 10:49:50 CST 2012

Can anybody tell me what Emacs input method is best for the input
of characters that are now rarely used?  For example Che Ci by
Qu Yuan has characters that are not used in any other book.
How do you input them?

My Emacs version supports the following input methods:

chinese-4corner 	chinese-array30 	chinese-b5-quick
chinese-b5-tsangchi 	chinese-ccdospy 	chinese-cns-quick
chinese-cns-tsangchi 	chinese-ctlau 	chinese-ctlaub
chinese-ecdict 	chinese-etzy 	chinese-punct
chinese-punct-b5 	chinese-py 	chinese-py-b5
chinese-py-punct 	chinese-py-punct-b5 	chinese-qj
chinese-qj-b5 	chinese-sisheng 	chinese-sw
chinese-tonepy 	chinese-tonepy-punct 	chinese-ziranma

I can read replies in Chinese.

Thank you very much for your help.


2012年06月22日 星期五 10:54

Alex Zhang cheungtifan在gmail.com
星期五 六月 22 10:54:43 CST 2012

4corner is supposed to be the one. It is a character lookup method based on the shape of Chinese characters and is used as the index of characters for Chinese dictionaries before 1980s. So it is supposed to be able to handle all characters (and also bare a duplication rate for it is fixed length encoding).  
After all, if possible, write a program and extract Chinese characters from the 码表 (database), then calculate which database is larger…

Alex Difan Zhang (@tifan)
http://difan.org.cn/ | http://blog.osqdu.org/
Graduate School, Towson University
Towson MD 21204
Tel: 434-532-1042

On 2012年6月21日Thursday at 下午10:49, Akira Urushibata wrote:

> Can anybody tell me what Emacs input method is best for the input
> of characters that are now rarely used? For example Che Ci by
> Qu Yuan has characters that are not used in any other book.
> How do you input them?
> My Emacs version supports the following input methods:
> chinese-4corner chinese-array30 chinese-b5-quick
> chinese-b5-tsangchi chinese-ccdospy chinese-cns-quick
> chinese-cns-tsangchi chinese-ctlau chinese-ctlaub
> chinese-ecdict chinese-etzy chinese-punct
> chinese-punct-b5 chinese-py chinese-py-b5
> chinese-py-punct chinese-py-punct-b5 chinese-qj
> chinese-qj-b5 chinese-sisheng chinese-sw
> chinese-tonepy chinese-tonepy-punct chinese-ziranma
> chinese-zozy
> I can read replies in Chinese.
> Thank you very much for your help.
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