2012年02月22日 星期三 09:00
对于2d的NURBS曲线,只有一个参数u,我写了个程序dist(u)来算曲线上对应点到直线的距离,然后 fmin(dist,0.5)来求交点的参数u。
2012年02月22日 星期三 19:06
2012年02月22日 星期三 23:33
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 16 00:50:04 2012
calculate the crosspoint a line with a curve
@author: alaya
from pylab import plot,show
from numpy import array,zeros,ones,linalg,sqrt,dot,linspace,shape,\
from scipy.optimize import fmin
######## The NURBS ralated function ########
'''find span'''
def findspan(p,u,U):
if u==U[n+1]: return (n-1);
low = int(p)
high = int(n+1)
mid = int((low + high)/2)
while u<U[mid] or u>=U[mid+1]:
if u<U[mid]:high = mid
else: low = mid
mid = int((low+high)/2)
return (mid)
'''basis function'''
def basis(u,p,U):
'''geben die nicht nur basis funktion als ein Reihe von N[0]=1 bis N[p]'''
i = findspan (p,u,U)
N = array(ones(p+1))
left = array(zeros(p+1))
right = array(zeros(p+1))
for j in xrange(1,p+1):
left [j] = u-U[i+1-j]
right[j] = U[i+j]-u
saved = 0
for r in xrange (j):
temp = N[r]/(right[r+1]+left[j-r])
N[r] = saved + right[r+1]*temp
saved = left[j-r]*temp
N[j]= saved
return (N)
def d_basis(u,p,U,k=1): #calc devariation basisfunction first order,p72,eq 2.7
i = findspan (p,u,U)
N = ones([p+1,p+1]) #basisfunction
Nd = zeros([k+1,p+1]) # derivated basisfunction, k derivation order
left = zeros(p+1)
right = zeros(p+1)
for j in xrange(1,p+1):
left [j] = u-U[i+1-j]
right[j] = U[i+j]-u
saved = 0.0
for r in xrange (j):
N[j][r] = right[r+1]+left[j-r]
temp = N[r][j-1]/N[j][r]
N[r][j] = saved + right[r+1]*temp
saved = left[j-r]*temp
N[j][j]= saved
Nd[0] = N[:,p]
for r in xrange(p+1):
a = ones([2,p+1]) #coefficient
s1,s2 = 0,1
for g in xrange(1,k+1):
rg = r-g
pg = p-g
if r>=g:
a[s2][0] = a[s1][0]/N[pg+1][rg]
d= a[s2][0]*N[rg][pg]
if rg>=-1:
j1 = 1
else: j1 = -rg
if r-1<=pg:
j2 = g-1
else: j2 = p-r
for j in xrange(j1,j2+1):
a[s2][j] = a[s1][j]-a[s1][j]-a[s1][j-1]/N[pg+1][rg+j]
d += a[s2][j]*N[rg+j][pg]
if r<=pg:
a[s2][g] = -a[s1][g-1]/N[pg+1][r]
d += a[s2][g]*N[r][pg]
Nd[g][r] = d
s1,s2 = s2,s1
r = p
for g in xrange(1,k+1):
for j in xrange(p+1):
r *= p-g
return Nd
def curvepoints(p,U,P,u,W=zeros(1)): #calculate the point on curve
'''p: degree:::U: knot vector:::u: knot:::P: control points:::n: the nummber of points'''
span = findspan(p,u,U)
N = basis(u,p,U)
#print '\nN:',N,'P:',P[span-p:span+1],'\n'
if len(W) != 1:
Pw = P*W
point = dot(N,Pw[span-p:span+1])
point = point/dot(N,W[span-p:span+1])
point = dot(N,P[span-p:span+1])
return (point)
def curvderiv(p,U,P,u,g,W=zeros(3)): #calculate the dx/du on curve
'''p: degree:::U: knot vector:::u: knot:::P: control points
n: the nummber of points:::W weightvector:::g derivation order'''
span = findspan(p,u,U)
Nd = d_basis(u,p,U,g)
Ndg = Nd[g]
Nd0 = Nd[0]
if len(W) != 3:
Pw = P*W
A = dot (Nd0,Pw[span-p:span+1])
derA = dot(Ndg,Pw[span-p:span+1])
w = dot(Nd0,W[span-p:span+1])
derw = dot(Ndg,W[span-p:span+1])
der = (w*derA-derw*A)/w**2
der = dot(Ndg,P[span-p:span+1])
return der
def add_CP_single(Pw,U,p,u):#P149
Pw1 = zeros([shape(Pw)[0],shape(Pw)[1]+1])
i = findspan(p,u,U)
U1 = insert(U,i+1,u)
#print i,u,U1,'i,u,U1'
Pw1[:,:i-p+1] = Pw[:,:i-p+1]
Pw1[:,i+1:] = Pw[:,i:]
#print Pw1,'tempered Pw'
for k in range(i-p+1,i+1):
temp = (u-U[k])/(U[k+p]-U[k])
#print k,temp
Pw1[:,k] = temp * Pw[:,k] + (1-temp) * Pw[:,k-1]
return U1,Pw1
def NURBS_deg_plus(U,p): #
U1 = array([])
for i in range(len(U)-1):
U1 = append(U1,U[i])
if U[i] < U[i+1]:
U1 = append(U1,U[i])
U1 = append(U1,U[-2:])
return U1
def BEZIER_deg_plus(CPw):
l = len(CPw[0])
CPw1 = append(CPw,[[0],[0],[0]],axis = 1)
for i in range(1,l):
CPw1[:,i] = (1-float(i)/l)*CPw[:,i] + float(i)/l*CPw[:,i-1]
#print CPw1,'zwichen Punkt\n'
CPw1[:,0] = CPw[:,0]
CPw1[:,-1] = CPw[:,-1]
return CPw1
######## END The NURBS ralated function ########
##### BEGIN The Raytrace ralated function ######
def dist(P0,V,P): #P0,V defined a line in 2d, P is the other point
Vn = V/sqrt(sum(V**2)) #the distance a point to a line
d = cross(P-P0,Vn)
return abs(d)
def distNURBS(u):#calc the distance between a points on NURBS @ u and the line
Px = curvepoints(p,U,CP[0],u,W)
Py = curvepoints(p,U,CP[1],u,W)
PN = array([Px,Py]) #points of NURBS
d = dist(P0,V,PN)
#d = cross(PN-P0,V)
print d
return abs(d)
def refractThrough(V,normal,n):
Vn = V/linalg.norm(V)
normal = normal/linalg.norm(normal)
cosa = dot(Vn,normal)
sina = sqrt(1-cosa**2)
sinb = sina/n
cosb = sqrt(1-sinb**2)
temp = n*cosb-cosa
Vn1 = Vn+temp*normal
return Vn1
###### END The Raytrace ralated function #######
test_P0 = array([-1.0,0])
test_V = array([1,0.1])
test_P1 = test_P0 + 10*test_V
test_CP = array([[0.0,1.0,1.8,2.4,2.8,3.0],[0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]])
test_U = array([0,0,0,0,0.3333,0.6667,1,1,1,1])
#Pcross,Dcross = CrossNURBS(3,test_U,test_CP,test_P0,test_V)
Px = curvepoints(3,test_U,test_CP[0],0)
Py = curvepoints(3,test_U,test_CP[1],0)
PN = array([Px,Py])
print dist(test_P0,test_V,PN),'distance u=0'
def find_u(u):
u = u-int(u)
tempx = curvepoints(3,test_U,test_CP[0],u)
tempy = curvepoints(3,test_U,test_CP[1],u)
tempP = array([tempx,tempy])
tempd = dist(test_P0,test_V,tempP)
return tempd**2
u = fmin(find_u,0.5)
print u
2012年02月22日 星期三 23:34
2012年02月23日 星期四 10:19
U =[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.3333 0.6667 1. 1. 1. 1. ]
def find_u(u):
if u < 0: return 100000
2012年02月23日 星期四 15:10
2012年02月23日 星期四 15:13
2012年02月23日 星期四 15:24
调试方法很简单,在find_u最前面添加一行print u,那么最后那个显示的u值就是进入无限循环的那个u值。接下来试着运行find_u(u),程序进入死循环,按ctrl+c,可以看到强制退出程序时位置,那个就是死循环的位置。边界限制就通过在find_u中添加判断边界,如果出界则返回一个很大的数即可。
2012年02月23日 星期四 15:31
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.000000
Iterations: 12
Function evaluations: 24
2012年02月24日 星期五 21:33
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