2014年02月21日 星期五 09:11
a tuple combines a fixed number of items together so that they can be passed around as a whole. Unlike an array or list, a tuple can hold objects with different types. Here is an example of a tuple holding an integer, a string, and the console:
Tuples save you the tedium of defining simplistic data-heavy classes. Even though defining a class is already easy, it does require a certain minimum effort, which sometimes serves no purpose. Tuples save you the effort of choosing a name for the class, choosing a scope to define the class in, and choosing names for the members of the class. If your class simply holds an integer and a string, there is no clarity added by defining a class named AnIntegerAndAString.
object S007_Tuples { def returnTuple: (Int, String) = { val name = "laomeng"; val id = 100 return (id, name) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val pair = (1, 2, 3, "mengguang"); println(pair._1); println(pair._4); println(pair.toString); val (x, y) = returnTuple println(x) println(y) } }
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