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标题:Akka 1.1 is released

2011年05月13日 星期五 08:30

    *What’s new in 1.1?*
    Here is a list of the most major new features since 1.0.
    - Moved all documentation to reStructuredText, much more slick and
    - Updated to Scala 2.9.0
    - akka-actor now has 0 external dependencies
    - Much fewer dependencies in total for the akka modules
    - Dataflow API for Futures using delimited continuations so you can write
    seemingly blocking code that will not block runtime
    - Futures are now fully Monadic which means that they are ready for
    for-comprehension goodness
    - Futures now have lots of non-blocking methods allowing composition of
    Futures without blocking
    - Futures can now be executed natively on all the Dispatchers
    - Lot's of fixes have gone into akka-remote including tuning and
    - Priority actor mailboxes
    - Generic EventHandler for Akka internal and user
    code asynchronous events with pluggable listeners, SLF4J listener available
    - TestKit module for testing actor-based applications
    - Improved Java API
    - Lot's of performance enhancements and bug fixes
    Read the full release
    Read the migration
    Read the new getting started
    Read the new akka documentation <>.
    Read the new akka modules documentation<>



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