RubyOnRails  - 讨论区


2010年06月30日 星期三 10:10

1.Quake Wang: Ruby as a glue language  

内容简介:Ruby是一个非常适合充当“粘合剂”角色的语言,对于异构平台的集成有很多解决方案,这个演讲主要介绍几个集成实例:Solr全文索引服务,.Net提供的Web Service,第3方电子支付平台。

2.Wen-Tien Chang: Designing Beautiful Ruby APIs ( pdf )

Ruby is not a magic language, it's just an awesome language! Ruby has great usability and readability that is easy to use, easy to read for programmers. In this talk I will show you some beautiful APIs and how to write your own masterpieces.

3.Richard Huang: Ruby application based on http  

Do you have an experience to write a client application based on http? Such as fetching the contacts from email or writing a IM client. Some of the servers provide apis which make life better, but most of them not. So how can we get the data from these servers or communicating with these servers? This talk will teach you how to analysis the packets between client and server and share my experience about how to write the client application and how to do the test and refactor.

4.庄表伟: Ruby, NoSQL and Tokyo Cabinet

多年的老程序,一直驳杂不精,接触过N多种不同的编程语言,2005年开始接触ruby/rails,从2006年开始担任印客网的技术主管,印客网开发以Rails为主,成为了国内较早一批将rails应用于实际商业项目的案例之一。随着ruby社区的飞速发展,又出现了许多新的技术、架构与实现,需要学习的东西,总是那么多。最近一直在做PHP/NoSQL的项目,但是一直在关注并思考,ruby & NoSQL的发展与未来。





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