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标题:[zeuux-py:183] [倡议]Fwd: PyCon Asia Pacific 2010

2009年11月25日 星期三 13:39

Zoom.Quiet zoom.quiet在
星期三 十一月 25 13:39:00 CST 2009

同志们哪,以下是转发通过 Cheng Renquan <crquan在> 联系,
作为 PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 的主办方邀请新加坡共和理工学院方面人士,主动发送来的邀请信;
这次 PyCon-Asia-Pacific 在新加坡举行,费用比较低,而且 CPyUG 经过近6年的积累有足够底气可以出来说话了!
- 豆瓣方面就Python 在高速成长型网站中的最佳体验
- HD 在大规模短信业务领域就Python 以及 xBay 系列产品的体验
- 沈游侠从 Plone 到 Eurasia 的异域创新
- Limodou 就 UliWeb 的深入思考
- 老潘从 Zope2->Plone->Zope3->bfg 的灵魂之旅
- 周蟒对Python 的友好包装,在教育领域的最佳体验
- 网易使用 结构高负荷服务的最佳体验
- 金山规模化使用 Trac 的最佳体验

2010.1.1 前提交论文,通过后,有半年的准备期,什么问题解决不了?!

俺先代表 CPyUG 应承下来了,大家相互推荐论文,提交前应该先社区分享一下哪!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liew Beng Keat <liew_beng_keat在>
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:43
Subject: PyCon Asia Pacific 2010
To: "zoom.quiet在" <zoom.quiet在>, "limodou在"
Cc: "crquan在" <crquan在>

Hi Zhou Qi, Li Yinghui

My name is Beng Keat. Your contact was kindly forwarded to me by Cheng
Renquan who I believe is an acquaintance. I represent a Python
community here in Singapore and we are organizing PyCon for our Asia
Pacific region next year. Plans are already underway and details of
the conference can be seen at

The Chairman of the Python Software Foundation (PSF), Mr Steve Holden
has kindly accepted our invitation as one of our keynotes, as well as
Mark Hammond, the author of Python Programming on Win32 which is an
exciting development for us.

We are looking for representatives for each APAC country to be part of
bringing PyCon to our part of the world and would like to extend the
invitation to the Python user group/community in China. I hear that
you are both active in the community. If you are leading such a group,
I hope to hear from you on accepting the role as regional
representatives. Even if you are not, I’ll like to hear from you and
if you know of those/others that can represent the community in China.

As regional representatives in the committee, your help at this stage
is needed for the call for papers. I've included a PDF on this for
your distribution to as many pythonista's out there in China that you

Hope to hear from you.

Dr. Liew Beng Keat
President, Python User Group (Singapore)

Republic Polytechnic, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964 . Fax: +65 6415-1310 .
Republic Polytechnic, championing Problem-Based Learning for an
inspired education in Singapore.
CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION: This message is intended only for the use of
the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and contains
information that is privileged and confidential. If you, the reader of
this message, are not the intended recipient, you should not
disseminate, distribute or copy this communication. If you have
received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by
return email and delete the original message. Thank you.

-- 人生苦短? Pythonic!
金山常年招聘Py/C++人才! 简历直投俺就成;-)
-------------- 下一部分 --------------
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Name: PyCon-Asia-Pacific-Call for Paper.pdf
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2009年11月25日 星期三 14:13

Zoom.Quiet zoom.quiet在
星期三 十一月 25 14:13:24 CST 2009

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 13:39, Zoom.Quiet <zoom.quiet在> wrote:
> 同志们哪,以下是转发通过 Cheng Renquan <crquan在> 联系,
> 作为 PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 的主办方邀请新加坡共和理工学院方面人士,主动发送来的邀请信;
> 这次 PyCon-Asia-Pacific 在新加坡举行,费用比较低,而且 CPyUG 经过近6年的积累有足够底气可以出来说话了!
> 严重期待:
> - 豆瓣方面就Python 在高速成长型网站中的最佳体验
> - HD 在大规模短信业务领域就Python 以及 xBay 系列产品的体验
> - 沈游侠从 Plone 到 Eurasia 的异域创新
> - Limodou 就 UliWeb 的深入思考
> - 老潘从 Zope2->Plone->Zope3->bfg 的灵魂之旅
> - 周蟒对Python 的友好包装,在教育领域的最佳体验
> - 网易使用 结构高负荷服务的最佳体验
严重笔误,这是指捜狐的闪电邮,qyb 对不起哈...

> - 金山规模化使用 Trac 的最佳体验
> ...
> 费用/语言,这都是小问题,关键是勇气!
> 2010.1.1 前提交论文,通过后,有半年的准备期,什么问题解决不了?!
> 俺先代表 CPyUG 应承下来了,大家相互推荐论文,提交前应该先社区分享一下哪!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Liew Beng Keat <liew_beng_keat在>
> Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:43
> Subject: PyCon Asia Pacific 2010
> To: "zoom.quiet在" <zoom.quiet在>, "limodou在"
> <limodou在>
> Cc: "crquan在" <crquan在>
> Hi Zhou Qi, Li Yinghui
> My name is Beng Keat. Your contact was kindly forwarded to me by Cheng
> Renquan who I believe is an acquaintance. I represent a Python
> community here in Singapore and we are organizing PyCon for our Asia
> Pacific region next year. Plans are already underway and details of
> the conference can be seen at
> The Chairman of the Python Software Foundation (PSF), Mr Steve Holden
> has kindly accepted our invitation as one of our keynotes, as well as
> Mark Hammond, the author of Python Programming on Win32 which is an
> exciting development for us.
> We are looking for representatives for each APAC country to be part of
> bringing PyCon to our part of the world and would like to extend the
> invitation to the Python user group/community in China. I hear that
> you are both active in the community. If you are leading such a group,
> I hope to hear from you on accepting the role as regional
> representatives. Even if you are not, I’ll like to hear from you and
> if you know of those/others that can represent the community in China.
> As regional representatives in the committee, your help at this stage
> is needed for the call for papers. I've included a PDF on this for
> your distribution to as many pythonista's out there in China that you
> know.
> Hope to hear from you.
> Sincerely
> Dr. Liew Beng Keat
> President, Python User Group (Singapore)
> Republic Polytechnic, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964
> . Fax: +65 6415-1310 .
> Republic Polytechnic, championing Problem-Based Learning for an
> inspired education in Singapore.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION: This message is intended only for the use of
> the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and contains
> information that is privileged and confidential. If you, the reader of
> this message, are not the intended recipient, you should not
> disseminate, distribute or copy this communication. If you have
> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by
> return email and delete the original message. Thank you.
> --
> 人生苦短? Pythonic!
> 金山常年招聘Py/C++人才! 简历直投俺就成;-)

-- 人生苦短? Pythonic!
Free as in Freedom! 哲思社区:




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