2012年03月11日 星期日 13:42
The ultimate goal of data visualization is to tell a story and supply meaning. There are tools and science that can inform your choice of data to present and how best to present it. We reflexively evaluate data and fit it into a narrative which aids decisionmaking; learn how to take advantage of this tendency in order to deliver meaning, not just numbers and charts.
Graphs are everywhere - from your distributed source code control to Twitter analytics. This session presents a set of three problems and shows how they can be decomposed into operations on graphs, and then demonstrates solutions using the various graph libraries available for (or accessible to) Python.
Is your website accessible? Have you tested it? What does it even mean for a website to be accessible? In this talk we'll show some of the most common problems disabled users have and demonstrate how to fix them. I'll also introduce you to some tools that are written in Python to help you determine how accessible your site is.
Free, Libre & Open Source Software (FLOSS) began as a not-for-profit endeavor. FLOSS licenses permit commercial & non-commercial activity, but the heart of FLOSS remains in the not-for-profit space. Kuhn will discuss advantages of non-profit structure and how non-profits facilitate neutral territory. Kuhn will also present options for projects that seek to operate officially as a non-profit org.
The world of infrastructure as code is becoming far more pervasive and many Python developers are trying to find a way to get started. This class will get you up and running with Chef and Fabric to manage your systems be they in the cloud or under your desk.
Python projects can succeed or fail because of their documentation. Thanks to Sphinx, Python now has a “documentation framework” with indexing, syntax highlighting, and integration with your code. Students will be given a small undocumented Python package, and during the exercises they will give the package a tutorial and reference manual. Plus: deployment and theming!
At EuroPython 2011 I ran a very hands-on tutorial for High Performance Python techniques. This updated tutorial will cover profiling, PyPy, Cython, numpy, NumExpr, ShedSkin, multiprocessing, ParallelPython and pyCUDA. Here's a 55 page PDF write-up of the EuroPython material: http://ianozsvald.com/2011/07/25/high-performance-python-tutorial-v0-2-from-europython-2011/
In this tutorial, I will cover how to write very fast Python code for data analysis. I will briefly introduce NumPy and illustrate how fast code for Python is written in SciPy using tools like Fwrap / F2py and Cython. I will also describe interesting new approaches to creating fast code that is leading changes to NumPy on a fundamental level.
This tutorial will walk the attendees from some introductory game development theory (what makes a good game) and through development of a simple game (how to make a good game) with time left over for some experimentation and exploration of different types of games.
The goal of this tutorial is to give the attendee a first experience of machine learning tools applied to practical software engineering tasks such as language detection of tweets, topic classification of web pages, sentiment analysis of customer products reviews and facial recognition in pictures from the web or from your own webcam.
From how the operating system handles your requests through design principles on how to use concurrency and parallelism to optimize your program's performance and scalability. We will cover processes, threads, generators, coroutines, non-blocking IO, and the gevent library.
When it comes to plotting with Python many people think about matplotlib. It is widely used and provides a simple interface for creating a wide variety of plots from very simple diagrams to sophisticated animations. This tutorial is a hands-on introduction that teaches the basics of matplotlib. Students will learn how to create publication-ready plots with just a few lines of Python.
This tutorial is for software developers who've been using Python with success for a while but are looking for a deeper understanding of the language. It demystifies a number of language features that are often misunderstood.
Social Network data permeates our world -- yet we often don't know what to do with it. In this tutorial, I will introduce both theory and practice of Social Network Analysis -- gathering, analyzing and visualizing data using Python and other open-source tools. I will walk the attendees through an entire project, from gathering and cleaning data to presenting results.
This tutorial is an introduction to Bayesian statistics using Python. My goal is to help participants understand the concepts and solve real problems. We will use material from my book, Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers (O’Reilly Media).
The tutorial will give a hands-on introduction to manipulating and analyzing large and small structured data sets in Python using the pandas library. While the focus will be on learning the nuts and bolts of the library's features, I also aim to demonstrate a different way of thinking regarding structuring data in memory for manipulation and analysis.
A tutorial that goes beyond all other Django tutorials; we'll dive deep into the guts of the framework, and learn how each commonly-used component -- ORM, templates, HTTP handling, views and the admin -- work from the bottom up, covering both public and internal APIs in excruciating detail.
This tutorial provides an overview of techniques to improve the performance of Python programs. The focus is on concepts such as profiling, difference of data structures and algorithms as well as a selection of tools and libraries that help to speed up Python.
For many applications PyPy can provide performance benefits right out of the box. However, little details can push your application to perform much better. In this tutorial we'll give you insights on how to push pypy to it's limites. We'll focus on understanding the performance characteristics of PyPy, and learning the analysis tools in order to maximize your applications performance.
The Django framework is a fast, flexible, easy to learn, and easy to use framework for designing and deploying web sites and services using Python. In this session, we'll cover the fundamentals of development with Django, generate a Django data model, and put together a simple web site using the framework.
IPython provides tools for interactive and parallel computing that are widely used in scientific computing, but can benefit any Python developer. We will show how to use IPython in different ways, as: an interactive shell, an embedded shell, a graphical console, a network-aware VM in GUIs, a web-based notebook with code, graphics and rich HTML, and a high-level framework for parallel computing.
Exciting information is trapped in web pages and behind HTML forms. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to parse those pages and when to apply advanced techniques that make scraping faster and more stable. We'll cover parallel downloading with Twisted, gevent, and others; analyzing sites behind SSL; driving JavaScript-y sites with Selenium; and evading common anti-scraping techniques.
Pyramid is the web framework at the core of the Pylons Project. It's a "pay only for what you eat" framework. You can get started easily and learn new concepts as you go, and only if you need them. It's simple, well tested, well documented, and fast. This course will present Pyramid and lead you through the creation of a an application as the concepts from the framework are introduced.
2012年03月11日 星期日 23:55
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