2004年05月28日 星期五 17:18
Hollo justfly: 哈哈哈! 所以只有开源软件,才是真正的开发,软件的目标就是解决问题! 而不是市场什么的东西! 当然,开源软件的商业潜力也最大,但并不是开发的主要动力! /******** [2004-05-28]17:17:02 ; justfly wrote: justfly> Who Bruce,您好! justfly> 呼呼,在这些的头上还有一个行政管理和商务谈判呢,只要这些都搞定了,就算一个项目延期了几年,成果少得可怜,还能继续生存,否则,分分钟都得Over。刚领悟出来的一个道理:一切说到底都是政治。 justfly> ======= 2004-05-28 16:12:26 您在来信中写道:======= >>是的,最重要的还是软件工程、项目管理和design pattern。不过归根到底还是要开发 >>经验。 >> >> >>>From: "Zoom.Quiet" <zoomq at infopro.cn> >>>Reply-To: "Zoom.Quiet" <zoomq at infopro.cn>, python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>>To: "justfly" <justfly_python at tom.com> >>>CC: "python-chinese at lists.python.cn" <python-chinese at lists.python.cn> >>>Subject: Re[4]: [python-chinese]新手初来,打个招呼 >>>Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 15:57:22 +0800 >>> >>>Hollo justfly: >>> >>> 嗯嗯!不过学到后来都会发觉,项目开发的成功与否,更大程度上不是语言,思路 >>, >>>而是设计与管理的实现! >>> >>> >>>/******** [2004-05-28]15:56:31 ; justfly wrote: >>> >>>justfly> Who Bruce,您好! >>> >>>justfly> 是呀,前几天买的,这几天没有什么事情,所以开始看了,呵呵,向专家 >>迈进…… >>>justfly> 仔细算算,从进大学开始,到工作这段时间,差不多是一年一门语言(包括 >>:HTML,SQL)。 >>>justfly> 不过比较熟的也只有Java了,现在开始要学一门,用一门。呵呵,共勉之 >>…… >>> >>>justfly> ======= 2004-05-28 15:40:27 您在来信中写道:======= >>> >>> >>你也看了这书的啊?按它的说法是至少要一年学一门新的编程语言呢,哈哈,所以 >>我今 >>> >>年开始看Scheme。 >>> >> >>> >> >>> >>>From: "justfly" <justfly_python at tom.com> >>> >>>Reply-To: python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>> >>>To: "python-chinese at lists.python.cn" <python-chinese at lists.python.cn> >>> >>>Subject: Re: Re: [python-chinese]新手初来,打个招呼 >>> >>>Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 15:36:53 +0800 >>> >>> >>> >>>Anew,您好! >>> >>> >>> >>> 我并不是要放弃Java,学习python是想能做一些快速的原型开发和一些日常的简 >>单应 >>> >>用,这些用java来做有些费事。而且学习一门新的语言也能让自己多一种思考问题 >>的方 >>> >>式。呵呵,受《程序员修炼之道》的影响的:) >>> >>> >>> >>>======= 2004-05-28 15:23:56 您在来信中写道:======= >>> >>> >>> >>> >justfly,您好! >>> >>> > >>> >>> > 好好学java不好吗?我过些天还准备好好看看EJB呢,Java以后会越来越有用 >>的。 >>> >>而且大的项目,python就感觉不太适合了。python还是一个快速实现的工具,工业 >>性还 >>> >>是有待提高阿~~~~ >>> >>> > >>> >>> >======= 2004-05-28 14:13:00 您在来信中写道:======= >>> >>> > >>> >>> >>大家好 >>> >>> >> 我是一个python的新手,刚下载,刚看文档。 >>> >>> >> 原来一直用着JAVA,做一些J2EE应用。听从前辈的意见,开始学一种脚 >>本语 >>> >>言,于是选择了python(真委屈了它)。请大家多多指教。 >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> 致 >>> >>> >>礼! >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> justfly >>> >>> >> justfly_python at tom.com >>> >>> >> 2004-05-28 >>> >>> >>_______________________________________________ >>> >>> >>python-chinese list >>> >>> >>python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>> >>> >>http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >>> >>> >> >>> >>> > >>> >>> >= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > 致 >>> >>> >礼! >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > Anew >>> >>> > Anewboy at citiz.net >>> >>> > 2004-05-28 >>> >>> > >>> >>> >_______________________________________________ >>> >>> >python-chinese list >>> >>> >python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>> >>> >http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >>> >>> > >>> >>> >>> >>>= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 致 >>> >>>礼! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> justfly >>> >>> justfly_python at tom.com >>> >>> 2004-05-28 >>> >>> >>> >>>_______________________________________________ >>> >>>python-chinese list >>> >>>python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>> >>>http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >>> >> >>> >>_________________________________________________________________ >>> >>享用世界上最大的电子邮件系统― MSN Hotmail。 http://www.hotmail.com >>> >> >>> >>_______________________________________________ >>> >>python-chinese list >>> >>python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>> >>http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >>> >> >>> >>>justfly> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>> >>> >>>justfly> 致 >>>justfly> 礼! >>> >>> >>>justfly> justfly >>>justfly> justfly_python at tom.com >>>justfly> 2004-05-28 >>> >>> >>> >>>********************************************/ >>> >>>-- >>>Free as in Freedom >>> >>> Zoom.Quiet >>> >>>#=========================================# >>>]Time is unimportant, only life important![ >>>#=========================================# >>> >>>sender is the Bat!2.02 CE >>> >>>_______________________________________________ >>>python-chinese list >>>python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>>http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >> >>_________________________________________________________________ >>免费下载 MSN Explorer: http://explorer.msn.com/lccn/ >> >>_______________________________________________ >>python-chinese list >>python-chinese at lists.python.cn >>http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese >> justfly> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = justfly> 致 justfly> 礼! justfly> justfly justfly> justfly_python at tom.com justfly> 2004-05-28 ********************************************/ -- Free as in Freedom Zoom.Quiet #=========================================# ]Time is unimportant, only life important![ #=========================================# sender is the Bat!2.02 CE
2004年05月28日 星期五 17:19
大家好! 谢谢大家的帮助,今天对python、jython的概貌总算有所了解,也对其有了一个基本的认识了:一种在python解析机上执行的解释性语言,可以打包所需对应操作系统的类库在不同的操作系统上运行。 小子接下来要开始其语法的学习了,还免不了叨扰各位。也将尽己之力,帮助大家。 此致 敬礼! justfly justfly_python at tom.com 2004-05-28
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