2004年09月12日 星期日 16:20
不是可以用图论解决吗? 先把你的房间转化为一个图,然后选一种满足你约束的遍历算法。 实现这个算法就OK了。 不好意思,具体的知识俺忘记了。可以找本教材或者google一下 "Zoom.Quiet" <zoomq at infopro.cn> wrote: Hollo Wang: 哈哈哈!! 去: http://www.robochina.org/index.php 看一下子,就知道你这个极类似于最傻的tank 设计, 仅仅是要 可以自动走遍所有房间是也乎!! 其实可以蠕虫,又瞎又聋的,仅仅靠摸索吃过幼年期, 本身是个简单的自动吸尘机器人,不用停,只要 前进->是房间->清扫否?->左转或是右转->是墙?->左转或是右转 就可以了! 然后,想法子,打印出路线就可以知道最简单逻辑是否可行! /******** [2004-9-12]15:57:50 ; Wang wrote: Wang Chao> 有一个人工智能相关Python小程序,偶明白是要的什么东西,但是在系统如何走路上想不出来好的算法,而且因为刚接触Python,很多语句也不会写。 Wang Chao> 希望大家帮忙看一下。 谢谢~~~~~~。详细情况是这样的 Wang Chao> 现在已经有environment.py和Agents.py两个文件(代码附最后) Wang Chao> 他们用来模拟吸尘器系统来执行一个1*2房间的清扫工作,但是目前的代码里没有任何智能,所以他会随机选择他的三个行动之一(左转,右转,洗尘),而不是根据判断当前的情况来选择行动。 >>>> import environment >>>> from Agents import * >>>> v=environment.VacuumEnvironment() >>>> r=RandomAgent(agent_actions) >>>> v.add_agent(r) >>>> v.run(10) Wang Chao> Initial room config: {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Dirty'} Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Suck Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck Wang Chao> Final room config: {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Clean'} Wang Chao> 这就是执行的结果,当然,房间的初始状态也是随机的,系统的动作也是随机的,所以每次执行都不一样。 Wang Chao> 现在要想通过扩展原始代码,将房间环境扩展为3*3大小{(0,0),(0,1),(0.2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)},房间初始状态依然是随机,并且吸尘器的初始位置也随机。要求首先保证所有的房间都会被清扫,其次尽量减少系统的行动次数。 Wang Chao> 因为房间是3*3了,所以自然而然行动就变成了五个“上,下,左,右,洗尘” Wang Chao> 要重写原来的def percept(self, agent): Wang Chao> 来返回吸尘器当前看到的状态 Wang Chao> 重写原来的execute_action(self, agent, action): Wang Chao> 通过吸尘器的行动,改变对应的环境状态。 Wang Chao> 刚接触Python,这两个东西还不太会写。不知道能否给出参考代码。 Wang Chao> 更困惑的是关于如何走路的算法。 Wang Chao> 假设房间是 Wang Chao> 00 01 02 Wang Chao> 10 11 12 Wang Chao> 20 21 22 Wang Chao> 我可以规定到了第一个数字是0就不再执行up的动作,第二个数字是2就不再执行right的动作,类似这样的规则来限制系统的动作执行。但是系统不能因为能走就要走,还要有一个限制,如果已经走过了,是不应该再走的。但是假如我走到了21这个位置,该怎么走随随机选择一个么?假如随机后走到了20,然后发现10和21都走过了,那样岂不是就再也出不去了,22这个房间就再也不能被清扫了。 Wang Chao> 这本身就是矛盾的。 Wang Chao> 比较困惑,不知道有什么好的方法来解决这样的问题。 Wang Chao> 我能想到的是根据9种可能的初始房间号,写9个行走线路,来实现清扫,但这样显然就没有任何智能而言,假如房间扩大到10*10,这个代码就没法写了。 Wang Chao> 冥思苦想了两天了,始终不得其解,郁闷~~ Wang Chao> 附:environment.py Wang Chao> import random Wang Chao> class Environment: Wang Chao> """Abstract class representing an Wang Chao> Environment. 'Real' Environment classes Wang Chao> inherit from this. Your Environment will Wang Chao> typically need to implement: Wang Chao> percept: Define the percept that an agent sees. Wang Chao> execute_action: Define the effects of executing an action. Wang Chao> Also update the agent.performance slot. Wang Chao> The environment keeps a list of .objects Wang Chao> and .agents (which is a subset Wang Chao> of .objects). Each agent has a .performance slot, initialized to 0. Wang Chao> Each object has a .location slot, even Wang Chao> though some environments may not Wang Chao> need this.""" Wang Chao> def __init__(self,): Wang Chao> self.objects = [] Wang Chao> self.agents = [] Wang Chao> object_classes = [] ## List of classes Wang Chao> that can go into environment Wang Chao> def percept(self, agent): Wang Chao> "Return the percept that the agent sees at Wang Chao> this point. Override this." Wang Chao> abstract() Wang Chao> def execute_action(self, agent, action): Wang Chao> "Change the world to reflect this action. Override this." Wang Chao> abstract() Wang Chao> def default_location(self, object): Wang Chao> "Default location to place a new object with unspecified location." Wang Chao> return None Wang Chao> def exogenous_change(self): Wang Chao> "If there is spontaneous change in the world, override this." Wang Chao> pass Wang Chao> def is_done(self): Wang Chao> "By default, we're done when we can't find a live agent." Wang Chao> return False Wang Chao> def step(self): Wang Chao> """Run the environment for one time step. If the Wang Chao> actions and exogenous changes are independent, this method will Wang Chao> do. If there are interactions between them, you'll need to Wang Chao> override this method.""" Wang Chao> if not self.is_done(): Wang Chao> actions = [agent.program(self.percept(agent)) Wang Chao> for agent in self.agents] Wang Chao> for (agent, action) in Wang Chao> zip(self.agents, actions): Wang Chao> self.execute_action(agent, action) Wang Chao> self.exogenous_change() Wang Chao> def run(self, steps=1000): Wang Chao> """Run the Environment for given number of time steps.""" Wang Chao> self.printInitialState() Wang Chao> for step in range(steps): Wang Chao> if self.is_done(): Wang Chao> self.printFinalState() Wang Chao> return Wang Chao> self.step() Wang Chao> self.printFinalState() Wang Chao> def printInitialState(self) : Wang Chao> """ SHow the initial problem state """ Wang Chao> pass Wang Chao> def printFinalState(self) : Wang Chao> """ SHow the final problem state """ Wang Chao> pass Wang Chao> def add_object(self, object, location=None): Wang Chao> """Add an object to the environment, setting its location. Also keep Wang Chao> track of objects that are agents. Shouldn't Wang Chao> need to override this.""" Wang Chao> object.location = location or Wang Chao> self.default_location(object) Wang Chao> self.objects.append(object) Wang Chao> if isinstance(object, Agent): Wang Chao> object.performance = 0 Wang Chao> self.agents.append(object) Wang Chao> return self Wang Chao> def add_agent(self, ag, location=None) : Wang Chao> """Add an agent to the environment""" Wang Chao> ag.location = location or self.default_location(ag) Wang Chao> ag.performance = 0 Wang Chao> self.agents.append(ag) Wang Chao> return self Wang Chao> class VacuumEnvironment (Environment) : Wang Chao> def __init__(self): Wang Chao> Environment.__init__(self) Wang Chao> self.status = Wang Chao> {(0,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty']), Wang Chao> Wang Chao> (1,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty'])} Wang Chao> def percept(self, agent): Wang Chao> "Returns the agent's location, and the Wang Chao> location status (Dirty/Clean)." Wang Chao> return (agent.location, Wang Chao> self.status[agent.location]) Wang Chao> def printInitialState(self) : Wang Chao> """ Show the initial problem state """ Wang Chao> print "Initial room config: ", self.status Wang Chao> def printFinalState(self) : Wang Chao> """ Show the final problem state """ Wang Chao> print "Final room config: ", self.status Wang Chao> def execute_action(self, agent, action): Wang Chao> """Change agent's location and/or Wang Chao> location's status; track performance. Wang Chao> Score 10 for each dirt cleaned; -1 for each move.""" Wang Chao> if action == 'Right': Wang Chao> agent.location = (1,0) Wang Chao> agent.performance -= 1 Wang Chao> elif action == 'Left': Wang Chao> agent.location = (0,0) Wang Chao> agent.performance -= 1 Wang Chao> elif action == 'Suck': Wang Chao> if self.status[agent.location] == 'Dirty': Wang Chao> agent.performance += 10 Wang Chao> self.status[agent.location] = 'Clean' Wang Chao> def default_location(self, object): Wang Chao> "Agents start in either location at random." Wang Chao> return random.choice([(0,0), (1,0)]) Wang Chao> 附:Agents.py Wang Chao> import random Wang Chao> ### global variable holding all possible agent actions Wang Chao> agent_actions = ['Left', 'Right', 'Suck'] Wang Chao> class Agent : Wang Chao> """An Agent is a subclass of Object with one required slot, Wang Chao> .program, which should hold a function that takes one argument, the Wang Chao> percept, and returns an action. (What Wang Chao> counts as a percept or action Wang Chao> will depend on the specific environment in Wang Chao> which the agent exists.) Wang Chao> Note that 'program' is a slot, not a Wang Chao> method. If it were a method, Wang Chao> then the program could 'cheat' and look at aspects of the agent. Wang Chao> It's not supposed to do that: the program can only look at the Wang Chao> percepts. An agent program that needs a Wang Chao> model of the world (and of Wang Chao> the agent itself) will have to build and maintain its own model. Wang Chao> There is an optional slots, .performance, Wang Chao> which is a number giving Wang Chao> the performance measure of the agent in its environment.""" Wang Chao> def __init__(self): Wang Chao> self.alive = True Wang Chao> def program(percept): Wang Chao> return raw_input('Percept=%s; action? ' % percept) Wang Chao> ### In the 2 room environment, there are three Wang Chao> actions: Left, Right and Suck Wang Chao> class RandomAgent(Agent): Wang Chao> "An agent that chooses an action at random, ignoring all percepts." Wang Chao> def __init__(self, actions): Wang Chao> self.actions = actions Wang Chao> def program(self, percept) : Wang Chao> action = random.choice(self.actions) Wang Chao> print "Percept: %s Action: %s" % (percept, action) Wang Chao> return action ********************************************/ -- Free as in Freedom Zoom.Quiet #=========================================# ]Time is unimportant, only life important![ #=========================================# sender is the Bat!3.0 _______________________________________________ python-chinese list python-chinese at lists.python.cn http://python.cn/mailman/listinfo/python-chinese --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? 150万曲MP3疯狂搜,带您闯入音乐殿堂 美女明星应有尽有,搜遍美图、艳图和酷图 1G就是1000兆,雅虎电邮自助扩容! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.exoweb.net/pipermail/python-chinese/attachments/20040912/569099f6/attachment.html
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