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标题:[python-chinese] vim and python

2004年09月11日 星期六 21:50

Yang Guilong yang.guilong at
Sat Sep 11 21:50:13 HKT 2004



Yang Guilong


2004年09月12日 星期日 13:23

tocer tootoo at
Sun Sep 12 13:23:20 HKT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yang Guilong" <yang.guilong at>
To: <python-chinese at>
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 9:50 PM
Subject: [python-chinese] vim and python

> tocer:
> 把我昨天那个patch发回来一下,我合一个完整版本出来
> 我现在不在公司,这个邮箱又是刚订阅python-chinese
> Yang Guilong


> _______________________________________________
> python-chinese list
> python-chinese at
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2004年09月12日 星期日 15:41

Wang Chao cnw at
Sun Sep 12 15:41:56 HKT 2004


希望大家帮忙看一下。 谢谢~~~~~~。详细情况是这样的



>>> import environment
>>> from Agents import *
>>> v=environment.VacuumEnvironment()
>>> r=RandomAgent(agent_actions)
>>> v.add_agent(r)

Initial room config:  {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Dirty'}
Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Suck
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right
Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right
Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left
Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck
Final room config:  {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Clean'}



要重写原来的def percept(self, agent):

重写原来的execute_action(self, agent, action):


00 01 02 
10 11 12
20 21 22
我可以规定到了第一个数字是0就不再执行up的动作,第二个数字是2就不再执行right的动作,类似这样的规则来限制系统的动作执行。但是系统不能因为能走就要走,还要有一个限制,如果已经走过了,是不应该再走的。但是假如我走到了21这个位置,该怎么走随随机选择一个么?假如随机后走到了20,然后发现10和21都走过了,那样岂不是就再也出不去了,22这个房间就再也不能被清扫了。 这本身就是矛盾的。 比较困惑,不知道有什么好的方法来解决这样的问题。




import random

class Environment:
    """Abstract class representing an Environment.  'Real' Environment classes
    inherit from this. Your Environment will typically need to implement:
        percept:           Define the percept that an agent sees.
        execute_action:    Define the effects of executing an action.
                           Also update the agent.performance slot.
    The environment keeps a list of .objects and .agents (which is a subset
    of .objects). Each agent has a .performance slot, initialized to 0.
    Each object has a .location slot, even though some environments may not
    need this."""

    def __init__(self,):
        self.objects = []
        self.agents = []

        object_classes = [] ## List of classes that can go into environment

    def percept(self, agent):
 "Return the percept that the agent sees at this point. Override this."

    def execute_action(self, agent, action):
        "Change the world to reflect this action. Override this."

    def default_location(self, object):
 "Default location to place a new object with unspecified location."
        return None

    def exogenous_change(self):
 "If there is spontaneous change in the world, override this."

    def is_done(self):
        "By default, we're done when we can't find a live agent."
        return False

    def step(self):
 """Run the environment for one time step. If the
 actions and exogenous changes are independent, this method will
 do.  If there are interactions between them, you'll need to
 override this method."""
 if not self.is_done():
            actions = [agent.program(self.percept(agent))
                       for agent in self.agents]
            for (agent, action) in zip(self.agents, actions):
  self.execute_action(agent, action)

    def run(self, steps=1000):
 """Run the Environment for given number of time steps."""
 for step in range(steps):
            if self.is_done():

    def printInitialState(self) :
            """ SHow the initial problem state """

    def printFinalState(self) :
        """ SHow the final problem state """

    def add_object(self, object, location=None):
 """Add an object to the environment, setting its location. Also keep
 track of objects that are agents.  Shouldn't need to override this."""
 object.location = location or self.default_location(object)
 if isinstance(object, Agent):
            object.performance = 0
 return self

    def add_agent(self, ag, location=None) :
        """Add an agent to the environment"""
        ag.location = location or self.default_location(ag)
        ag.performance = 0
 return self

class VacuumEnvironment (Environment) :
    def __init__(self):
        self.status = {(0,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty']),
                       (1,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty'])}
    def percept(self, agent):
        "Returns the agent's location, and the location status (Dirty/Clean)."
        return (agent.location, self.status[agent.location])

    def printInitialState(self) :
        """ Show the initial problem state """
        print "Initial room config: ", self.status

    def printFinalState(self) :
        """ Show the final problem state """
        print "Final room config: ", self.status

    def execute_action(self, agent, action):
        """Change agent's location and/or location's status; track performance.
        Score 10 for each dirt cleaned; -1 for each move."""
        if action == 'Right':
            agent.location = (1,0)
            agent.performance -= 1
        elif action == 'Left':
            agent.location = (0,0)
            agent.performance -= 1
        elif action == 'Suck':
            if self.status[agent.location] == 'Dirty':
                agent.performance += 10
            self.status[agent.location] = 'Clean'

    def default_location(self, object):
        "Agents start in either location at random."
        return random.choice([(0,0), (1,0)])


import random

### global variable holding all possible agent actions
agent_actions = ['Left', 'Right', 'Suck']

class Agent :
    """An Agent is a subclass of Object with one required slot,
    .program, which should hold a function that takes one argument, the
    percept, and returns an action. (What counts as a percept or action
    will depend on the specific environment in which the agent exists.) 
    Note that 'program' is a slot, not a method.  If it were a method,
    then the program could 'cheat' and look at aspects of the agent.
    It's not supposed to do that: the program can only look at the
    percepts.  An agent program that needs a model of the world (and of
    the agent itself) will have to build and maintain its own model.
    There is an optional slots, .performance, which is a number giving
    the performance measure of the agent in its environment."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.alive = True

    def program(percept):
            return raw_input('Percept=%s; action? ' % percept)

### In the 2 room environment, there are three actions: Left, Right and Suck

class RandomAgent(Agent):
    "An agent that chooses an action at random, ignoring all percepts."
    def __init__(self, actions):
        self.actions = actions

    def program(self, percept) :
        action = random.choice(self.actions)
        print "Percept: %s Action: %s" % (percept, action)
        return action


2004年09月12日 星期日 15:55

Levin Du zsdjw at
Sun Sep 12 15:55:44 HKT 2004


在 星期天 12 九月 2004 15:41,Wang Chao 写道:
> 有一个人工智能相关Python小程序,偶明白是要的什么东西,但是在系统如何走路上想不出来好的算法,而且因为刚接触Python,很多语句也不会写。
> 希望大家帮忙看一下。 谢谢~~~~~~。详细情况是这样的


2004年09月12日 星期日 16:04

Zoom.Quiet zoomq at
Sun Sep 12 16:04:49 HKT 2004

Hollo Wang:

看一下子,就知道你这个极类似于最傻的tank 设计,
仅仅是要 可以自动走遍所有房间是也乎!!




/******** [2004-9-12]15:57:50 ; Wang wrote:

Wang Chao> 有一个人工智能相关Python小程序,偶明白是要的什么东西,但是在系统如何走路上想不出来好的算法,而且因为刚接触Python,很多语句也不会写。

Wang Chao> 希望大家帮忙看一下。 谢谢~~~~~~。详细情况是这样的

Wang Chao> 现在已经有environment.py和Agents.py两个文件(代码附最后)

Wang Chao> 他们用来模拟吸尘器系统来执行一个1*2房间的清扫工作,但是目前的代码里没有任何智能,所以他会随机选择他的三个行动之一(左转,右转,洗尘),而不是根据判断当前的情况来选择行动。

>>>> import environment
>>>> from Agents import *
>>>> v=environment.VacuumEnvironment()
>>>> r=RandomAgent(agent_actions)
>>>> v.add_agent(r)

Wang Chao> Initial room config:  {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Dirty'}
Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Suck
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right
Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Right
Wang Chao> Percept: ((1, 0), 'Dirty') Action: Left
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Left
Wang Chao> Percept: ((0, 0), 'Clean') Action: Suck
Wang Chao> Final room config:  {(1, 0): 'Dirty', (0, 0): 'Clean'}

Wang Chao> 这就是执行的结果,当然,房间的初始状态也是随机的,系统的动作也是随机的,所以每次执行都不一样。

Wang Chao> 现在要想通过扩展原始代码,将房间环境扩展为3*3大小{(0,0),(0,1),(0.2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)},房间初始状态依然是随机,并且吸尘器的初始位置也随机。要求首先保证所有的房间都会被清扫,其次尽量减少系统的行动次数。
Wang Chao> 因为房间是3*3了,所以自然而然行动就变成了五个“上,下,左,右,洗尘”

Wang Chao> 要重写原来的def percept(self, agent):
Wang Chao> 来返回吸尘器当前看到的状态

Wang Chao> 重写原来的execute_action(self, agent, action):
Wang Chao> 通过吸尘器的行动,改变对应的环境状态。

Wang Chao> 刚接触Python,这两个东西还不太会写。不知道能否给出参考代码。

Wang Chao> 更困惑的是关于如何走路的算法。
Wang Chao> 假设房间是
Wang Chao> 00 01 02 
Wang Chao> 10 11 12
Wang Chao> 20 21 22
Wang Chao> 我可以规定到了第一个数字是0就不再执行up的动作,第二个数字是2就不再执行right的动作,类似这样的规则来限制系统的动作执行。但是系统不能因为能走就要走,还要有一个限制,如果已经走过了,是不应该再走的。但是假如我走到了21这个位置,该怎么走随随机选择一个么?假如随机后走到了20,然后发现10和21都走过了,那样岂不是就再也出不去了,22这个房间就再也不能被清扫了。
Wang Chao> 这本身就是矛盾的。
Wang Chao> 比较困惑,不知道有什么好的方法来解决这样的问题。

Wang Chao> 我能想到的是根据9种可能的初始房间号,写9个行走线路,来实现清扫,但这样显然就没有任何智能而言,假如房间扩大到10*10,这个代码就没法写了。

Wang Chao> 冥思苦想了两天了,始终不得其解,郁闷~~

Wang Chao> 附

Wang Chao> import random

Wang Chao> class Environment:
Wang Chao>     """Abstract class representing an
Wang Chao> Environment.  'Real' Environment classes
Wang Chao>     inherit from this. Your Environment will
Wang Chao> typically need to implement:
Wang Chao>         percept:           Define the percept that an agent sees.
Wang Chao>         execute_action:    Define the effects of executing an action.
Wang Chao>                            Also update the agent.performance slot.
Wang Chao>     The environment keeps a list of .objects
Wang Chao> and .agents (which is a subset
Wang Chao>     of .objects). Each agent has a .performance slot, initialized to 0.
Wang Chao>     Each object has a .location slot, even
Wang Chao> though some environments may not
Wang Chao>     need this."""

Wang Chao>     def __init__(self,):
Wang Chao>         self.objects = []
Wang Chao>         self.agents = []

Wang Chao>         object_classes = [] ## List of classes
Wang Chao> that can go into environment

Wang Chao>     def percept(self, agent):
Wang Chao>  "Return the percept that the agent sees at
Wang Chao> this point. Override this."
Wang Chao>         abstract()

Wang Chao>     def execute_action(self, agent, action):
Wang Chao>         "Change the world to reflect this action. Override this."
Wang Chao>         abstract()

Wang Chao>     def default_location(self, object):
Wang Chao>  "Default location to place a new object with unspecified location."
Wang Chao>         return None

Wang Chao>     def exogenous_change(self):
Wang Chao>  "If there is spontaneous change in the world, override this."
Wang Chao>  pass

Wang Chao>     def is_done(self):
Wang Chao>         "By default, we're done when we can't find a live agent."
Wang Chao>         return False

Wang Chao>     def step(self):
Wang Chao>  """Run the environment for one time step. If the
Wang Chao>  actions and exogenous changes are independent, this method will
Wang Chao>  do.  If there are interactions between them, you'll need to
Wang Chao>  override this method."""
Wang Chao>  if not self.is_done():
Wang Chao>             actions = [agent.program(self.percept(agent))
Wang Chao>                        for agent in self.agents]
Wang Chao>             for (agent, action) in
Wang Chao> zip(self.agents, actions):
Wang Chao>   self.execute_action(agent, action)
Wang Chao>             self.exogenous_change()

Wang Chao>     def run(self, steps=1000):
Wang Chao>  """Run the Environment for given number of time steps."""
Wang Chao>         self.printInitialState()
Wang Chao>  for step in range(steps):
Wang Chao>             if self.is_done():
Wang Chao>                 self.printFinalState()
Wang Chao>                 return
Wang Chao>             self.step()
Wang Chao>         self.printFinalState()

Wang Chao>     def printInitialState(self) :
Wang Chao>             """ SHow the initial problem state """
Wang Chao>             pass

Wang Chao>     def printFinalState(self) :
Wang Chao>         """ SHow the final problem state """
Wang Chao>         pass

Wang Chao>     def add_object(self, object, location=None):
Wang Chao>  """Add an object to the environment, setting its location. Also keep
Wang Chao>  track of objects that are agents.  Shouldn't
Wang Chao> need to override this."""
Wang Chao>  object.location = location or
Wang Chao> self.default_location(object)
Wang Chao>  self.objects.append(object)
Wang Chao>  if isinstance(object, Agent):
Wang Chao>             object.performance = 0
Wang Chao>             self.agents.append(object)
Wang Chao>  return self

Wang Chao>     def add_agent(self, ag, location=None) :
Wang Chao>         """Add an agent to the environment"""
Wang Chao>         ag.location = location or self.default_location(ag)
Wang Chao>         ag.performance = 0
Wang Chao>         self.agents.append(ag)
Wang Chao>  return self

Wang Chao> class VacuumEnvironment (Environment) :
Wang Chao>     def __init__(self):
Wang Chao>         Environment.__init__(self)
Wang Chao>         self.status =
Wang Chao> {(0,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty']),
Wang Chao>                       
Wang Chao> (1,0):random.choice(['Clean', 'Dirty'])}
Wang Chao>     def percept(self, agent):
Wang Chao>         "Returns the agent's location, and the
Wang Chao> location status (Dirty/Clean)."
Wang Chao>         return (agent.location,
Wang Chao> self.status[agent.location])

Wang Chao>     def printInitialState(self) :
Wang Chao>         """ Show the initial problem state """
Wang Chao>         print "Initial room config: ", self.status

Wang Chao>     def printFinalState(self) :
Wang Chao>         """ Show the final problem state """
Wang Chao>         print "Final room config: ", self.status

Wang Chao>     def execute_action(self, agent, action):
Wang Chao>         """Change agent's location and/or
Wang Chao> location's status; track performance.
Wang Chao>         Score 10 for each dirt cleaned; -1 for each move."""
Wang Chao>         if action == 'Right':
Wang Chao>             agent.location = (1,0)
Wang Chao>             agent.performance -= 1
Wang Chao>         elif action == 'Left':
Wang Chao>             agent.location = (0,0)
Wang Chao>             agent.performance -= 1
Wang Chao>         elif action == 'Suck':
Wang Chao>             if self.status[agent.location] == 'Dirty':
Wang Chao>                 agent.performance += 10
Wang Chao>             self.status[agent.location] = 'Clean'

Wang Chao>     def default_location(self, object):
Wang Chao>         "Agents start in either location at random."
Wang Chao>         return random.choice([(0,0), (1,0)])

Wang Chao> 附

Wang Chao> import random

Wang Chao> ### global variable holding all possible agent actions
Wang Chao> agent_actions = ['Left', 'Right', 'Suck']

Wang Chao> class Agent :
Wang Chao>     """An Agent is a subclass of Object with one required slot,
Wang Chao>     .program, which should hold a function that takes one argument, the
Wang Chao>     percept, and returns an action. (What
Wang Chao> counts as a percept or action
Wang Chao>     will depend on the specific environment in
Wang Chao> which the agent exists.) 
Wang Chao>     Note that 'program' is a slot, not a
Wang Chao> method.  If it were a method,
Wang Chao>     then the program could 'cheat' and look at aspects of the agent.
Wang Chao>     It's not supposed to do that: the program can only look at the
Wang Chao>     percepts.  An agent program that needs a
Wang Chao> model of the world (and of
Wang Chao>     the agent itself) will have to build and maintain its own model.
Wang Chao>     There is an optional slots, .performance,
Wang Chao> which is a number giving
Wang Chao>     the performance measure of the agent in its environment."""

Wang Chao>     def __init__(self):
Wang Chao>         self.alive = True

Wang Chao>     def program(percept):
Wang Chao>             return raw_input('Percept=%s; action? ' % percept)

Wang Chao> ### In the 2 room environment, there are three
Wang Chao> actions: Left, Right and Suck

Wang Chao> class RandomAgent(Agent):
Wang Chao>     "An agent that chooses an action at random, ignoring all percepts."
Wang Chao>     def __init__(self, actions):
Wang Chao>         self.actions = actions

Wang Chao>     def program(self, percept) :
Wang Chao>         action = random.choice(self.actions)
Wang Chao>         print "Percept: %s Action: %s" % (percept, action)
Wang Chao>         return action


Free as in Freedom


]Time is unimportant, only life important![

sender is the Bat!3.0


2004年09月12日 星期日 23:11

Yang Guilong yang.guilong at
Sun Sep 12 23:11:18 HKT 2004


Source the file when editing a Python file. You could add:
   au FileType python source path/python_helper.vim
to your .vimrc
For more information, please read the beginning of the script..


Yang Guilong

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 13:23:20 +0800, tocer <tootoo at> wrote:
> 见附件
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Yang Guilong" <yang.guilong at>
> To: <python-chinese at>
> Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 9:50 PM
> Subject: [python-chinese] vim and python
> > tocer:
> >
> > 把我昨天那个patch发回来一下,我合一个完整版本出来
> > 我现在不在公司,这个邮箱又是刚订阅python-chinese
> >
> > Yang Guilong
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > _______________________________________________
> > python-chinese list
> > python-chinese at
> >
> > 
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2004年09月13日 星期一 08:31

tocer tootoo at
Mon Sep 13 08:31:32 HKT 2004


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yang Guilong" <yang.guilong at>
To: "tocer" <python-chinese at>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [python-chinese] vim and python


Source the file when editing a Python file. You could add:
   au FileType python source path/python_helper.vim
to your .vimrc
For more information, please read the beginning of the script..


Yang Guilong

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 13:23:20 +0800, tocer <tootoo at> wrote:
> 见附件
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Yang Guilong" <yang.guilong at>
> To: <python-chinese at>
> Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 9:50 PM
> Subject: [python-chinese] vim and python
> > tocer:
> >
> > 把我昨天那个patch发回来一下,我合一个完整版本出来
> > 我现在不在公司,这个邮箱又是刚订阅python-chinese
> >
> > Yang Guilong
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > _______________________________________________
> > python-chinese list
> > python-chinese at
> >
> > 


> _______________________________________________
> python-chinese list
> python-chinese at




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