2005年07月18日 星期一 22:54
Blog原文: http://blog.donews.com/limodou/archive/2005/07/18/471050.aspx 这是在一个国外的blog中看到的,现在已经有2.2alpha1版发布了,可以在sf.net上下载。点击下载。 http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jython/jython_Release_2_2alpha1.jar?download 那么这次升级主要有: This release includes many major changes since the last full release: - new-style classes - Java Collections integration - PEP 302 implementation - iterators - generators - __future__ division - support for running on JDK1.5 - new installer - a significant number of features to bring Jython in line with CPython - many, many bugfixes It was compiled a OS X with JDK1.4 but should run on JDK 1.2 +. The full set of changes are too numerous to list in detail. Please consult the sourceforge tracker for all closed issues since the last release. This version of Jython has support for most of Python 2.2 and numerous features from Python 2.3 and beyond. A more comprehensive list will be forthcoming. 感兴趣的去下载尝尝鲜吧。 -- I like python! My Donews Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou New Google Maillist: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/python-cn
2005年07月19日 星期二 00:51
这玩艺居然又活过来了。。。。 -- 张骏 <zhangj at foreseen-info.com>
2005年07月19日 星期二 08:00
python-chinese,您好! Python 2.4 + Pygame 的设计游戏,根据Pygame 的样例Alliens改编. <英雄难过美人关 Ver 1.0> 一共50关.美关会出现一个美女照片. 通过py2exe 编译为windows平台下可运行.压缩文件.rar 大小:7M左右.(主要是图片占空间) 不知是否有感兴趣的. 致 礼! jiang__30 jiang__30 at 163.com 2005-07-19
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