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标题:[python-chinese] (转)强烈推荐plonelive,作者还提供czug25%折

2005年07月21日 星期四 16:03

Litao Wei wlt008 at
Thu Jul 21 16:03:25 HKT 2005

是不是大家常抱怨open source的产品没有一个好的文档,比如zope和plone。The
Definitive Guide to Plone 实在太Out of date,并且很多Plone的特性总是提下

Plone Live终于给我们这些Plone fans带来了福音,由资深zope专家Michel
Pelletier(Zope book的作者之一)和CIGNEX CTO Munwar Shariff编写,历经一
一次,随着Plone的开发进程而为该书添加最新的内容! As Plone grows, Plone
Live will grow with it.
同时,Plone live也是介绍plone2.1开发的唯一书籍,并介绍了archetype框架的
基本特性到高级特性,plone和数据库、LDAP,XML- RPC, Web Service的整合开

因为作者的辛勤劳动所以才会有这么优秀的作品问世,他的在线up to date版本订
区,已声明给中国的zope/plone社区 25%的折扣,如果你想要购买的话,可以直接
联系Munwar(munwar at

Michel Pelletier是CIGNEX公司的架构师,参与了很多基于Plone的大规模工程。
Michel是"The Zope Book"和"The Zope Developer's Guide"的作者,并且写过许

Munwar Shariff 是CIGNEX的创建者之一,同时也是公司全球销售的副总裁。他参
与了很多大规模Open Source和J2EE工程,并担任首席设计师。
Munwar 用Zope, CMF, Plone, MySql和LDAP技术开发过超过40个Web应用产品和项
家实验室(Lawrence Livermore Labs), 宏道(Broadvision),沃尔玛(Wal-Mart),

Plone Live by Michel Pelletier and Munwar Shariff is written for Zope,
CMF, Plone and Python developers familiar with web frameworks. The
central purpose of this book is to help people developing Content
Management Systems utilizing Plone. Readers should have at least a
beginner's understanding of Python and intermediate experience with HTML
and web technologies. Plone Live focuses on concepts, customization and
advanced development using Plone. Plone Live will include 2.1 features,
as well as 2.0.x current functionality.
Some of the Features of Plone Live include:

   * Basic setup and customization
   * Creating portal types
   * Users and security
   * Advanced archetypes
   * Relational databases
   * LDAP

Chapter Summaries:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Plone Development
This chapter introduces you to Plone, Zope, and Python in the context of
web applications. It
includes instructions on how to download and install them. It also
provides you with several
online resources, including the web site, other Plone
resources, and the source
code for the examples in this book.

Chapter 2: Anatomy of Plone
This chapter describes how the major components of a Plone system relate
to each other. It
also describes the major features of Zope. This chapter is essential
reading for anyone not
already familiar with Plone's tools and features.

Chapter 3: Getting Started with Plone
This chapter introduces you to some of Plone’s basic features, such as
creating content,
editing content, the underlying fundamentals of the object database and
acquisition, and how
to use and edit workflow.

Chapter 4: Basic Customizations
This chapter explains Plone’s many features that you can customize to
make Plone look and
behave the way you want. It describes all of those customizable options
and their possible
values. It also explains the differences between file system development
and Zope Through
The Web development.

Chapter 5: Membership and Security
This chapter explains the framework behind the membership and security
system. Zope has a
powerful security system that prevents users from calling methods or
accessing objects for
which they do not have permission. Plone uses this security system to
provide a flexible and
configurable membership system for controlling the content, workflow,
search, and security

Chapter 6: Creating Portal Types
This chapter explains how to create new types in Python that work with
Plone. Eventually,
you are going to need functionality that Plone's default types don't
provide. For this, you will
create your own types that work according to your specifications.

Chapter 7: Archetypes
This chapter introduces you to Archetypes. New in Plone 2.1, Archetypes
is a type system to
replace the CMF type system described in Chapter 5. This new,
schema-driven type system was
initially a third-party product, but became so popular that the Plone
developers decided to
adopt it as the new type system for Plone 2.1.

Chapter 8: Advanced Plone Features and Products
This chapter covers the techniques for advanced development and
functional testing.

Chapter 9: Plone and Relational Databases
This chapter highlights how Plone supports external databases to provide
an enterprise-scale
content management system. Relational database are widely used in medium
to large enterprises.
Zope supports almost all the relational databases available in the market.

Chapter 10: Membership Using LDAP
This chapter explains how to leverage the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) to
implement a highly scalable membership system on Plone.

Chapter 11: Integrating with Non-Plone Systems
This chapter covers integration with non-Plone systems, such as WebDAV,
Syndication, Web
Services, and XML-RPC.

Appendix A: Mind Maps
This appendix represents the key features of Zope and Plone as Mind
Maps, so readers can
remember them easily.

Appendix B: Page Template Reference
This appendix provides quick reference to the three components of Zope’s
dynamic presentation
language: the Tag Attribute Language (TAL), the TAL Expression Syntax
(TALES), and
Macro Expansions for TAL (METAL).

Appendix C: Useful Resources
This appendix provides Plone, Zope, and Python related resources and
links to some useful
Plone products that you can install and customize.




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