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标题:[python-chinese] twisted的maillist上一个哥们说要出一本twisted的书

2005年07月08日 星期五 00:38

wangmm kernellearn at
Fri Jul 8 00:38:50 HKT 2005

I'm happy to announce that O'Reilly is going to publish my book on
Twisted. It's scheduled for release in October. The working title is
Twisted Network Programming Essentials.

I've been working on this book since the end of last year, but I've been
waiting to announce it until I knew that it was definitely going to be
published in the reasonably near future. At this point it's in the
editing stage, and O'Reilly has put it on their production schedule for
an October release. So spread the word - there's a Twisted book coming!

For a description of what the book covers (and what it doesn't), see
this post on my weblog:

Thanks to all the Twisted developers for creating such an amazing
framework. The more I learn about Twisted (and I learned a lot while
writing this book), the more I'm impressed. I hope this book helps many
more people to get started with Twisted, and that it's the first of many
more books to come.



2005年07月08日 星期五 08:29

limodou limodou at
Fri Jul 8 08:29:15 HKT 2005


2005/7/8, wangmm <kernellearn at>:
> 原文如下:
> I'm happy to announce that O'Reilly is going to publish my book on
> Twisted. It's scheduled for release in October. The working title is
> Twisted Network Programming Essentials.
> I've been working on this book since the end of last year, but I've been
> waiting to announce it until I knew that it was definitely going to be
> published in the reasonably near future. At this point it's in the
> editing stage, and O'Reilly has put it on their production schedule for
> an October release. So spread the word - there's a Twisted book coming!
> For a description of what the book covers (and what it doesn't), see
> this post on my weblog:
> Thanks to all the Twisted developers for creating such an amazing
> framework. The more I learn about Twisted (and I learned a lot while
> writing this book), the more I'm impressed. I hope this book helps many
> more people to get started with Twisted, and that it's the first of many
> more books to come.
> Abe
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