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标题:[python-chinese] How to start program by Python, and excut e the program's com mand?

2006年09月12日 星期二 14:53

Qiangning Hong hongqn在
星期二 九月 12 14:53:03 HKT 2006

Do not discuss off-list please (use Reply-To-All button in your email
client).  My response is below.

On 9/12/06, xhsoldier <xhsoldier在> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newer, I do not understand the sdk help docs
> would you pls tell me hwo to write this in python(ccm is program's command
> line)
> ccm finduse /all_proj @ > D:\result.txt    # "> D:\result.txt" is
> redirection to a file
> in python like what?
> import subprocess
> sts ='ccm finduse /all_proj @', stdout =
> "D:\\result.txt")???
> this is always get an error.

Method 1:

import subprocess
retcode =['ccm', 'finduse', '/all_proj', '@'],
stdout=file('D:\\result.txt', 'w'))

Method 2:

import os
retcode = os.system('ccm finduse /all_proj @ > D:\\result.txt')

I haven't taken a try, but I believe those would work.


2006年09月12日 星期二 15:07

xhsoldier xhsoldier在
星期二 九月 12 15:07:30 HKT 2006

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2006年09月12日 星期二 15:46

Qiangning Hong hongqn在
星期二 九月 12 15:46:51 HKT 2006

On 9/12/06, xhsoldier <xhsoldier在> wrote:
> Hi, Hong
> I know that will work,
> I want to ask is about environment variant
> knowing that ccm is another program command line, and needs to be added to
> the system environment.
> what method can be used to add such a variant to the system using python?
> thus python can use ccm.

Sorry that i don't know what "add a program command line to the system
envionment" means.  Could you give some detail?

And, if it is possible, it's better to use Chinese to communicate here.




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