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标题:[python-chinese] Fwd: Python in Beijing

2006年10月11日 星期三 15:43

limodou limodou在
星期三 十月 11 15:43:40 HKT 2006



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: martin <martin.peschke在>
Date: Oct 11, 2006 3:18 PM
Subject: Python in Beijing
To: limodou在

Hi Limodou,

I would use Chinese, but I fear my Chinese is not good enough just yet.
I have been in Beijing for a long time, but could never find anyone else
to program Python here. I work mainly with the Turbogears Framework and
now I have a job that sucks up all my time. However I also have a
project for a friend in Germany, with which I would need urgent help. It
can be realized in Python and is not that extensive, and now I come to
you to ask:

do you know anyone who has interest to help me build this web
application (AJAX and Python or PHP or Java), for a salary of course. I
would very much welcome University Students, for whom this might be an
interesting idea, not the least since I work in a large outsourcing
company and can provide lots of insights, it would train their english
and be a reference project for later applications as web designer/devs.

As said, this can be a good job (and it would even be well paid by
German standards (my only comparison)) and part time work would be very
welcome for me.

Can you help?!
Best Regards, Martin

PS: I would also like to join the next BPUG meeting, if there is one and
help organizing a little, but I have the feeling you dont want too many
foreigners there (even if they speak good Chinese)?!
Can I help?!

I like python!
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