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标题:[python-chinese] mplayer bug or python bug?

2007年02月07日 星期三 19:40

Marco marco在
星期三 二月 7 19:40:48 HKT 2007

The following code is my test program for control mplayer.
in movies/ there are about 20 movies, the code plays them in circle,
but mplayer will crash silently after a circle, the "sliently" means I
can handle popen2 without except, but no movie.

I have no idea about it...
Can you help me?

class SimplePlayer( myobject ):
    def __init__(self):
        self.debug('simple player init ready')
        self.is_open = False
        self.wfd = None
        self.rfd = None

    def play(self, file):
        if self.is_open:
            self.wfd.write('loadfile %s\n' %(file))
            self.wfd, self.rfd = os.popen2('mplayer -loop 0 -slave
-quiet -ao null %s 2> /dev/null' %(file))
            self.is_open = True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    player = SimplePlayer()
    all = os.listdir('movies/')
    print all
    while True:
        for current in all:
            print current
  'movies/' + current)

LinuX Power


2007年02月08日 星期四 09:03

amingsc amingsc在
星期四 二月 8 09:03:23 HKT 2007

Marco 写道:
> The following code is my test program for control mplayer.
> in movies/ there are about 20 movies, the code plays them in circle,
> but mplayer will crash silently after a circle, the "sliently" means I
> can handle popen2 without except, but no movie.
> I have no idea about it...
> Can you help me?
> class SimplePlayer( myobject ):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.debug('simple player init ready')
>         self.is_open = False
>         self.wfd = None
>         self.rfd = None
>     def play(self, file):
>         if self.is_open:
>             self.wfd.write('loadfile %s\n' %(file))
>             self.wfd.flush()
>         else:
>             self.wfd, self.rfd = os.popen2('mplayer -loop 0 -slave
> -quiet -ao null %s 2> /dev/null' %(file))
>             self.is_open = True
> ##################
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     player = SimplePlayer()
>     all = os.listdir('movies/')
>     print all
>     while True:
>         for current in all:
>             print current
>   'movies/' + current)
>             time.sleep(3)
个呢?上面在播放的过程中向stdin写入“loadfile %s\n' %(file)”是什么作用?




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