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标题:[python-chinese] [ANN]meide 0.0.3 released!

2007年09月08日 星期六 15:43

limodou limodou在
星期六 九月 8 15:43:56 HKT 2007

The main improvement is:

* add validate, you can see the example in

I also add many comments in source code and examples, so if you like
you can read them.

Hope you enjoy it. And I think I'v finished all the goals that I
design it originally. If you have good ideas and bugs report please
send me an email.


What is meide

meide is a ui interface creation library. You can use it to create
wxPython based user interface. It can deal with several sizer class,
for example: BoxSizer, GridBagSizer, StaticBoxSizer, and it also
provide an easy way to create widgets, like: StaticText, TextCtrl,
CheckBox, etc. You know create ui interface manually is a hard work,
and that's why meide comes out.

What is the goals of meide

   1. Supports easily sizer creation
   2. Supports easily widgets creation
   3. Supports easily frame creation, like: Dialog, Panel, etc
   4. Supports SetValue and GetValue to value-field
   5. Supports event binding
   6. Supports validate
   7. Makes above as easy as I can

meide is still in heavy developpint, so please keep touch with it,
maybe you can find something very useful or helpful.

How to use it

The step is easy:

   1. Creatint a layout
   2. Add widgets or sub-layout
   3. Binding event
   4. invoke the create method

More details you can see the examples in tests directory.

I like python!
UliPad <>:
My Blog:


2007年09月08日 星期六 21:50

lveax lveax.m在
星期六 九月 8 21:50:04 HKT 2007

On 9/8/07, limodou <limodou在> wrote:
> The main improvement is:
> * add validate, you can see the example in
> I also add many comments in source code and examples, so if you like
> you can read them.
> Hope you enjoy it. And I think I'v finished all the goals that I
> design it originally. If you have good ideas and bugs report please
> send me an email.

发现一个小bug: line 1021
        return, date.Mon, date.Day)
        return, date.Month, date.Day)


Date 大于2007, 11, 11 时仍然不能通过较检.




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