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标题:[python-chinese] [ANN]meide 0.0.4 released!

2007年09月17日 星期一 11:59

limodou limodou在
星期一 九月 17 11:59:57 HKT 2007


* add immediately creation and event binding
* support value lazy calculate, so you can pass a callable object
except a real value to a ValueElement
* when invoke create function, meide will just if this win object
equals the last one, if not, then create a new underlying wx widget,
otherwise return the old one. So you can repeatly invoke create method
in different container window object

More details you can visit the project site

There are some testing examples in tests folder.

What is meide

meide is an ui interface creation library. You can use it to create
wxPython based user interface. It can deal with several sizer class,
for example: BoxSizer, GridBagSizer, StaticBoxSizer, and it also
provide an easy way to create widgets, like: StaticText, TextCtrl,
CheckBox, etc. You know create ui interface manually is a hard work,
and that's why meide comes out.

What are the goals of meide

   1. Supports easily sizer creation
   2. Supports easily widgets creation
   3. Supports easily frame creation, like: Dialog, Panel, etc
   4. Supports SetValue and GetValue to value-field
   5. Supports event binding
   6. Supports validate
   7. Makes above as easy as I can

meide is still in heavy developping, so please pay attention to it,
maybe you can find something very useful or helpful.

Example Article:

Example 1 - The simplest example []
Example 2 - How can meide simplify the code

I like python!
UliPad <>:
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2007年09月17日 星期一 13:15

cun heise cunheise在
星期一 九月 17 13:15:01 HKT 2007

又没有人知道,如何custom django model validation

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