2007年10月25日 星期四 10:35
为什么下面的程序出错?(在python2.5里) 我试过import Tix,没有报错啊。 Traceback (most recent call last): File "2.py", line 54, intkRoot = Tix.Tk( ) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/Tix.py", line 210, in __init__ self.tk.eval('package require Tix') _tkinter.TclError: can't find package Tix 代码是: from __future__ import with_statement # <-- Python 2.5 ONLY import Tix import time class SplashScreen( object ): def __init__( self, tkRoot, imageFilename, minSplashTime=0 ): self._root = tkRoot self._image = Tix.PhotoImage( file=image ) self._splash = None self._minSplashTime = time.time() + minSplashTime def __enter__( self ): # Remove the app window from the display self._root.withdraw( ) # Calculate the geometry to center the splash image scrnWt = self._root.winfo_screenwidth( ) scrnHt = self._root.winfo_screenheight( ) imgWt = self._image.width() imgHt = self._image.height() imgXPos = (scrnWt / 2) - (imgWt / 2) imgYPos = (scrnHt / 2) - (imgHt / 2) # Create the splash screen self._splash = Tix.Toplevel() self._splash.overrideredirect(1) self._splash.geometry( '+%d+%d' % (imgXPos, imgYPos) ) Tix.Label( self._splash, image=self._image, cursor='watch' ).pack( ) # Force Tk to draw the splash screen outside of mainloop() self._splash.update( ) def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ): # Make sure the minimum splash time has elapsed timeNow = time.time() if timeNow < self._minSplashTime: time.sleep( self._minSplashTime - timeNow ) # Destroy the splash window self._splash.destroy( ) # Display the application window self._root.deiconify( ) #-------------------------------------------- # Now putting up splash screens is simple # Create the tkRoot window tkRoot = Tix.Tk( ) with SplashScreen( tkRoot, 'splashImage.jpg', 3.0 ): initializeMyApplication( ) buildTheGUI( tkRoot ) tkRoot.mainloop( )
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