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标题:转:【翻译】The Definitive Guide to Pylons(十三)

2010年10月22日 星期五 17:09


If you are using Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, 2003 Server or Vista you can download the Python installer from . At the time of writing the latest version is Python 2.5.1. Once you have downloaded the correct version for your platform (which will usually be the x86 version) you simply double click the python-2.5.1.msi file and follow the installation instructions.

如果您是使用Windows 95,98,NT,2000,ME,XP,2003服务器或Vista,你可以从 下载Python安装程序。在撰写本文时,最新版本是Python 2.5.1。一旦你为您的平台(这通常会是x86版本)下载了正确的版本,你只需双击python - 2.5.1.msi文件,按照安装说明操作。


Figure 2-2. The Python 2.5 Installer running on Windows XP
图2-2.运行于Windows XP的Python 2.5安装程序


To use the installer, the Windows system must support Microsoft Installer 2.0. Just save the installer file to your local machine and then run it to find out if your machine supports MSI. Windows XP and later already have MSI but many older machines will already have MSI installed too.

If your machine does not have the Microsoft Installer you can download it:

Windows 95, 98 and ME platforms use this version:

Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 use this version:

要使用安装程序,Windows系统必须支持Microsoft Installer 2.0搭配使用。只要保存安装文件到本地计算机,然后运行它,看看你的机器支持MSI。Windows XP和更高版本已经有MSI,很多老机器也可以安装MSI。 
Windows 95,98和ME平台使用此版本:  
Windows NT 4.0和2000年使用此版本:


On Windows, any scripts which are installed by third party packages will be put in the Scripts directory of your Python installation, typically C:\Python25\Scripts. By default neither this directory nor your main Python executable are on your PATH so you will not be able to run Python itself or any Python scripts from a Command Prompt unless you first navigate to the correct directory or specify the full path each time.


To fix this and save yourself a lot of typing in the future you should add some directories to your PATH environment variable. Luckily, this is straightforward to do so the examples in this book will assume you have set up your path correctly.


Of course if you are using a virtual Python environment you should specify the Scritps directory within the virtual Python environment rather than the system Python or you could activate your virtual Python environment instead as described earlier in the chapter.


If you are using Windows 95, 98 or ME you can do the following:
如果你使用的是Windows 95,98或ME,你可以做以下几点工作:

1. Edit your C:\autoexec.bat file, and add the following line to the end of the file:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python25\;C:\Python25\Scripts

2. Restart your computer.

If you are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP you can do the following:
如果你使用的是Windows 2000或Windows XP ,你可以做以下几点工作:

1. From the desktop or Start Menu, right click My Computer and click Properties.

2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.

3. In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button.

4. Finally, in the Environment Variables window, highlight the path variable in the Systems Variable section and click edit. Add the text C:\Python25\;C:\Python25
\Scripts to the end of the path. Each different directory should be separated by a semicolon so the end of your path might look something like this:


C:\Program Files;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32;C:\Python25\;C:\Python25\Scripts

5. You might need to restart computer for the change to take effect.


Figure 2-3 Configuring your PATH on Windows XP
图2-3在Windows XP配置你的路径

To test your installation has worked and your path is configured correctly you should click Start->Run... and enter the text cmd in the input field. When you click OK a Windows Command Prompt will load. You can then run Python by typing python at the prompt. You should see something similar to what is shown in the image below.


Figure 2-4 Windows command prompt running Python
图2-4 Windows命令提示符下运行Python

If so the installation has worked. To exit the Python interactive interpreter you can press CTRL+z followed immediately by pressing the Enter key.

如果是这样,表示安装可以工作。要退出Python交互式解释器,你可以按Ctrl + Z,然后立即按下回车键。


When you develop Pylons applications you will find you frequently need access to a Windows Command Prompt. It can be quickly become quite tedious to load a Command Prompt from the Run option on the Start menu and then manually navigate to the directory containing your Pylons application. To make life easier Microsoft has released an extension called the "Open Command Here Powertoy" which allows you to right click on a directory and load a command prompt at that location by choosing Open Command Window Here from the menu. You can download the extension from

当你开发Pylons应用,你会发现你经常需要访问Windows命令提示符。使用在开始菜单上的运行选项加载命令提示符,然后手动浏览到包含Pylons的应用的目录,这会很快变得相当乏味。为了使生活更轻松,Microsoft发布了一个名为“Open Command Here Powertoy”的扩展,你可以右键点击一个目录,选择Open Command Window Here的菜单,在该地点启动命令提示符。你从这可以下载这个扩展



There are two slight complications to be aware of when developing Python applications on Windows. The first is that paths on Windows use the \ character as a path separator rather than the / character used on Linux and Mac OS X platforms. The \ character is treated as an escape character in strings within Python source code so you cannot use Windows paths in source code strings without first escaping the \ characters. You can do this by adding an extra \ character before each \ in the string. For example a Windows path might be written like this:

当在Windows上开发Python应用程序时,有两个轻微并发症必须意识到。第一,在Windows中的路径使用\字符作为路径分隔符,而不是/字符,这是在Linux和Mac OS X平台上使用的。而在Python源代码中,\字符被视为字符串内的转义字符,因此,不首先摆脱\字符,你无法在源代码字符串中使用Windows路径。这可以通过在每个\中的字符串之前增加额外的\字符解决。例如,Windows路径可能会写成这样:

my_path = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\James\\Desktop\\Pylons"

Luckily Python also treats / characters in paths on the Windows platform as path separators so you can also write the same path like this:


my_path = "C:/Documents and Settings/James/Desktop/Pylons"


Rather than writing out different versions of commands for both Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms throughout this book we will instead assume you have set up the C:\Python25\Scr
ipts directory to be on your PATH. Also, we will write any paths using / characters rather than \ characters so please be aware that you may have to interpret these slightly differently on Windows.

为了不写不同版本的命令以适用Windows,Linux和Mac OS X平台,在整个这本书,我们将假设你在PATH中设置了C:\Python25\Scripts目录。此外,我们将使用/字符书写所有的路径,而不是\字符,因此,请注意Windows中,你可能需要转换这些略有不同的地方。

The second slight complication is in the way Windows treats line end characters. On UNIX-like platforms the newline character \n is treated as the line end whereas on Windows the characters \r\n are used. If you have ever loaded a file in Notepad and wondered why it shows an enitre paragraph as one long line it is likely that the file was written on a UNIX-like platform and Notepad simply didn't understand the line end characters.


第二轻微并发症的方式是Windows对待行结束字符的方式。在类UNIX平台,换行符\n是被视为一行的结束,而在Windows,使用字符\ r \ n。如果你曾经在记事本中打开一个文件,看到它将一段文本显示为一行,很可能是该文件是在类UNIX平台书写的,记事本根本不理解行结束字符。

Luckily Python understands line end issues and will work equally well regardless of the line end characters used but not all software does. It is generally easiest to stick to one type of line end character. If you are going to deploy your software on a UNIX-like platform you should strongly consider writing all your Python source files with UNIX-style line ends even if you are using Windows. Although FTP software frequently tries to translate Windows line ends to UNIX-style line ends you can save yourself the complication by simply using UNIX line ends to start with.




Python comes with a built-in editor called IDLE for editing Python source files which you can read about at . IDLE is a very powerful IDE but unfortunately has no option for choosing which line end characters to use.

One free editor which does allow you to choose which line ends to use is called SciTE and can be downloaded from . You can choose your line end characters from the Menu by clicking Options->Line End Characters. The options are CR+LF, CR or LF. LF stands for Line Feed and is the UNIX line end character written \n in Python strings, CR stands for Carriage Return. Windows uses carriage returns and line feeds represented as \r\n in Python strings. If you want to convert from one type of line end to another you can use the Convert Line End Characters option from the Options menu.

Python带有一个内置的IDLE编辑器,编辑Python源文件,你可以阅读有关在 http://www .。IDLE是一个非常强大的IDE,但不幸的是,没有任何关于选择使用哪一种行结束字符的选项。 
SciTEDownload.html下载。你可以在菜单点击Options->Line选择行结束字符。选项为CR+LF, CR 和 LF。LF表示Line Feed,是UNIX的行结束字符,如Python字符串中的\ n,CR表示回车\r。Windows使用回车和line feeds ,如Python字符串中的\r\n。如果你想将一种类型的行结束符转换为另一种,你可以从选项菜单使用转换行结束符选项。

Figure 2-5 SciTE line endings menu screenshot.
图2-5 SciTE行结尾符的菜单画面。



You should now have a very good understanding of all the different tools and techniques used for setting up Python and Pylons and hopefully you have a virtual Python environment set up and ready to go. With everything in place it's time to move onto the next chapter and get started learning Pylons.




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