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标题:转:【翻译】The Definitive Guide to Pylons(九)

2010年10月22日 星期五 17:05

Advanced Topics

Activating and Deactivating a Virtual Python Environment

If you are working regularly with the files in a virtualenv virtual Python environment it can become tedious to have to type the path/to/env/bin/ part in front of every script you wish to execute. You can solve this problem by activating the environment you are currently working in. This puts the virtual Python environment executables first in your PATH environment variable so that you can run them without typing the full path to the virtual Python environment.


Here's how to do it on Windows:

(env) C:\Test>python
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pylons

Once you've activated a virtual Python environment with activate.bat the scripts in the virtual Python environment take precedence over the normal system ones. In the example above you can see that running python actually runs the version in your virtual Python environment where Pylons is installed, and not the main system Python. The same is true for the other scripts available. Notice how the command prompt changes to show you that you are in a virtual Python environment.


You can deactivate it by typing deactivate.bat and things go back to normal:

(env) C:\Test>..\env\Scripts\deactivate.bat

On Linux and Mac OS X you active the environment using a Bash script like this:
在Linux和Mac OS X中,你可以使用一个Bash脚本,如下:

$ source ~/env/bin/activate

This script works in Bash and zsh and probably most other Bourne-compatible shells. It will not work on csh or tcsh. If it doesn't work in your non-Bash shell, you'll have to modify it to conform to your shell's syntax. Don't forget the word "source"! That makes it execute in the current shell rather than starting a new process, so that it can modify the current shell's PATH and other variables. The oldest Bourne shells used "." instead of "source".


Notice that after a shell is activated that the prompt changes to "(env)$" to remind you which environment you're in. This is handy if you end up working in multiple virtual environments in different windows.

请注意,shell被激活后,提示符会改变 "(env)$" ,提醒你进入了哪个环境,如果你在不同的窗口中使用多个虚拟环境工作,这是很方便的。

If you want to de-activate a shell you would enter this command on Linux and Mac OS X:
在Linux和Mac OS X下,如果您想要去关闭一个shell,输入此命令:


The paths will then return to normal and the prompt will disappear.


There is one potential problem to keep in mind with activate/deactivate. The shell keeps the path of each command in memory so it doesn't have to look it up again when the command is re-executed. This bypasses activate's changes to the environment, so activate/deactivate try to clear this cache but sometimes they fail. The result is you type the command name and get the "wrong" one. To make 100% sure you're getting the right command, run "which python" (or "which easy_install", etc) and it will print the full path of the command it would have executed. If it's the wrong one, execute it once by typing the full path, and it will update the memory cache to use that version of the command.

If in doubt it is probably worth using the executables directly without the activate and deactivate magic.


关于activate/deactivate,还有一个潜在的问题要牢记。shell不断地在内存中记录每一个命令的路径,这样再次重新执行命令时,shell就不用再寻找该命令。这种特性会绕过activate的变化而作用于环境,因此,activate/deactivate尝试清除这个缓存,但有时它们会失败。其结果是你输入命令的名称,获得“错误”的一个命令。为了100%确保你获得正确的命令,运行“which python” (或“which easy_install”等),这将打印已执行的命令的完整路径。如果这是错误的,输入完整的路径执行一次,这将更新缓存,这样就可以使用该版本的命令。 




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