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标题:[zeuux-postgresql] Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL Release Support Policy

2009年12月08日 星期二 17:36

夏清然 Xia Qingran qingran.xia at
Tue Dec 8 17:36:53 CST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Page <dpage at>
Date: Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 12:36 AM
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL Release Support Policy
To: pgsql-announce <pgsql-announce at>, PostgreSQL Hackers
<pgsql-hackers at>, Postgres General
<pgsql-general at>

After a great deal of discussion in the community, the project's core
team have written a policy outlining the support lifecycle for major
PostgreSQL releases, which can be found on the wiki with other project
policies at

We hope this document will help our users plan their deployments more

The PostgreSQL project aims to fully support a major release for five years.

After a release falls out of full support, we may (at our committer's
discretion) continue to apply further critical fixes to the source
code, on a best-effort basis. No formal releases or binary packages
will be produced by the project, but the updated source code will be
available from our source code control system.

This policy will be followed on a best-effort basis. In extreme cases
it may not be possible to support a release for the planned lifetime;
for example if a serious bug is found that cannot be resolved in a
given major version without significant risk to the stability of the
code or loss of application compatibility. In such cases, early
retirement of a major version may be required.

End Of Life (EOL) dates:

Version                 EOL Date
PostgreSQL 7.4  July 2010 (extended)
PostgreSQL 8.0  July 2010 (extended)
PostgreSQL 8.1  November 2010
PostgreSQL 8.2  December 2011
PostgreSQL 8.3  February 2013
PostgreSQL 8.4  July 2014

Dave Page
PostgreSQL Core Team

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Xia Qingran
qingran.xia at
Sent from Beijing, 11, China
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