2011年01月05日 星期三 07:36
与 alpha2 版本比较,alpha3 的改进内容包括:
* KNN GiST, which implements order-by-operator support for GiST and optimizes nearest-neighbor geographic searches. This will power the next release of PostGIS.
* Additional instrumentation and monitoring facilities, including checkpoint introspection and last-WAL-timestamp information for replication.
* 增加一些新的内建函数: format(), pg_describe_object(), as well as pg_read_binary_file(), which will support the Extensions feature.
* 新的 libpq 函数: PQping(), PQlibVersion()
* Windows 下支持崩溃数据dump
* 新的 auth_delay 模块使得基于字典的攻击更加困难
* Security hooks on object creation, to support SEPostgres.
2011年01月06日 星期四 00:08
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