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标题:Percona Server 5.6.16-64.0 with TokuDB engine now available

2014年03月04日 星期二 17:23

Percona最近将TokuDB集成到自己的产品中了,这样我们部署完Percona Server后,在存储引擎方面,又多了一个选择,可以随时评估TokuDB的性能表现,如有问题,也可以随时切换会InnoDB。

Percona is glad to announce the first ALPHA release of Percona Server 5.6.16-64.0 with TokuDB engine on March 3rd, 2014. Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories.

Based on Percona Server 5.6.16-64.0 including all the features and bug fixes in it, and on TokuDB 7.1.5-rc.3, Percona Server 5.6.16-64.0-tokudb is the first ALPHArelease in the Percona Server 5.6 with TokuDB engine series. All of Percona‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the5.6.16-64.0 milestone at Launchpad.

Percona Server now supports TokuDB storage engine. More information on how to install and use TokuDB can be found in thedocumentation. This feature is currently considered ALPHA quality.

Available TokuDB features:

Currently available ALPHA features:

Getting Started Guide can be downloaded here, and the complete documentation in PDF format is available here.

We did our best to eliminate bugs and problems during the testing this release, but this is a software, so bugs are expected. If you encounter them, please report them to our bug tracking system.




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