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标题:[zeuux-linux] Kernel Driver Statement

2008年07月06日 星期日 22:37

Bill Xu bill在
星期日 七月 6 22:37:13 CST 2008

seems to be a good news, though the purpose is not the freedom of the use.

WANG Cong 写道:
> From:
> Position Statement on Linux Kernel Modules
>  June 2008
>  We, the undersigned Linux kernel developers, consider any
> closed-source Linux kernel module or driver to be harmful and
> undesirable. We have repeatedly found them to be detrimental to Linux
> users, businesses, and the greater Linux ecosystem. Such modules
> negate the openness, stability, flexibility, and maintainability of
> the Linux development model and shut their users off from the
> expertise of the Linux community. Vendors that provide closed-source
> kernel modules force their customers to give up key Linux advantages
> or choose new vendors. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of
> the cost savings and shared support benefits open source has to offer,
> we urge vendors to adopt a policy of supporting their customers on
> Linux with open-source kernel code.
> We speak only for ourselves, and not for any company we might work for
> today, have in the past, or will in the future. 
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