Gnome  - 讨论区

标题:Gnome Asia 2010

2010年06月19日 星期六 14:06

Taipei, Taiwan on August 14 and 15, 2010.



The GNOME Foundation provides travel sponsorships to individuals who want to attend GNOME.Asia 2010 and need financial assistance.

We are happy to announce the Travel Committee is ready to receive applications for sponsorships to attend to GNOME.Asia 2010. This year, GNOME.Asia is jointly held with COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters) in Taipei, Taiwan on August 14 and 15, 2010.

The instructions are detailed at . Please read them carefully.

Deadline : June 25 2010 14:00 UTC. You can start sending your applications now!

Some additional request for GNOME.Asia:



  • --We target to sponsor speakers (Travel to the conference is not easy, why not give a talk?  )
  • --Limitation of $400 for people flying inside Asia and $800 people from Euro/US/Other.
  • --Only pay for transportation, not lodging cost. However, if you need help with accommodation, the GNOME.Asia Committee will book the hotel or hostel for you. Any questions, feel free to drop us an email to <asia-summit-list AT gnome DOT org>.  
  • --Asking for sponsorship does not guarantee you will get sponsored; If you are GNOME Foundation member,  Google Summer of Code participants, contributor or speaker on GNOME, most likely you will get the sponsorship;
  • --A good application with good information will be processed faster;
  • --If you are applying to a Google Summer of Code program (as student or mentor) you should mention it in your application. Preference will be given to students and mentors participating in the Google Summer of Code.
  • --The Travel committee should reply back about receiving your application within 2-3 days. After that we would accumulate all the sponsorship requests and process them together. So please do not panic (have any butterflies in your stomach) if we take some time to reply on the status. Affirmative/Negative you would surely get a response;
  • --No personal emails. Please keep travel-committee Cc'ed on all your replies.



Any questions, feel free to drop us an email to travel-committee :<travel-committee AT gnome DOT org>. 

2010年06月19日 星期六 14:11


2010年06月28日 星期一 20:26




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