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标题:Seven Wonders of Exploration Technology

2014年04月18日 星期五 09:08

In every age, science and technology have advanced human civilization. From architecture to engineering, medicine to transportation, humans have invented extraordinary wonders. Explorers long ago and today have used technology to navigate, travel farther, and understand more about the world around them. They invented vehicles to carry people and tools to the ocean depths, high into the atmosphere, or even to other worlds. They invented scientific instruments to explore the most distant parts of the universe and the smallest bits of matter. In this book, we'll explore seven wonders of exploration technology. Scientists have developed technology that takes us to the deepest parts of the oceans. Undersea explorations give us a glimpse of a world teeming with unique life and full of wonderful natural structures. Teams of researchers and engineers have also built orbiting space telescopes and interplanetary spacecraft to explore the farthest reaches of our solar system. Back on Earth, scientists have created computers, machines, and systems for studying climate change and the subatomic world. Learn about the people and the science behind these amazing advances in exploration technology.


Product Details

Age Range: 10 and up 

Grade Level: 5 and up

Series: Seven Wonders

Library Binding: 80 pages

Publisher: Twenty First Century Books (January 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761342419

ISBN-13: 978-0761342410

2014年04月18日 星期五 09:08

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDIKUVf 密码:teq3



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