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标题:Anger and Conflict Management: Leader's Guide

2014年04月18日 星期五 09:06

Anger and Conflict Management: Leader's Guide offers conflict management advice to adults and teens in connection with its companion text for participants, Anger and Conflict Management: Personal Handbook. The techniques illustrated encourage users to turn their anger around to interact peacefully and productively with associates and family. Leaders learn how to conduct presentations, guide discussions, and help participants understand the purposes and pitfalls of anger and how to channel it into constructive and useful actions. The personal handbook is a guided journal with information, ideas, short stories, and questions for students to answer in writing, enabling them to examine their personal responses to life's typical anger-provoking situations at home, work, school, and elsewhere. These books are ideal for a wide variety of audiences including groups in corporations, social service agencies, schools, churches, and adults and teens who are required by juvenile and family courts to participate in anger management classes.


Product Details

Series: Anger and Conflict Management

Paperback: 64 pages

Publisher: Personhood Press; Ldg edition (November 1, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1932181105

ISBN-13: 978-1932181104

2014年04月18日 星期五 09:06

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6sKlzc 密码:rqgj



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