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标题:What Do We Buy?: A Look at Goods and Services

2014年04月17日 星期四 09:14

What Do We Buy?: A Look at Goods and Services (Lightning Bolt Books: Exploring Economics) 

Have you ever bought a toy at a store? Have you had a haircut or ordered food in a restaurant? Then you've used goods and services! Goods and services are everywhere. They're in stores, homes, schools, restaurants, farms, and factories. So, what is a good? And what's a service? Read this book to find out.


Product Details

Age Range: 6 and up 

Grade Level: 1 and up

Series: Lightning Bolt Books: Exploring Economics

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Lerner Classroom (February 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761356673

ISBN-13: 978-0761356677

2014年04月17日 星期四 09:15

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o62T2J4 密码:4s5z



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