2014年04月15日 星期二 09:18
What determines demand for Apple's iPad?
How can whole countries go bust?
Why did Tesco's UK profits fall?
Featuring top practitioners from organizations including Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Simon-Kucher & Partners and Mission Burrito, Business Economics offers students real insight into how economics is used in business and why it is relevant to their future careers.
Renowned for its engaging style and clarity of explanation, students are carefully guided through economic concepts and models, with stimulating examples and questions to reinforce learning and test understanding. Video walkthroughs help explain more difficult economic concepts and give readers the opportunity to go back over what they have learnt.
Packed full of engaging and topical cases which students can easily relate to, the author considers economics in the context of business and management, equipping students with the tools necessary to apply economics to business issues and decisions.
For students
- Full solutions to questions in the textbook
- Video walkthroughs of economics concepts
- Self-test questions
- One step further material to stretch and challenge readers
For registered adopters of the textbook
- Fully customizable Powerpoint slides
- Case study teaching notes
- Group exercise tasks
- Test bank
2014年04月15日 星期二 09:18
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTA1gr1 密码:bjoy
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