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标题:Quotient Space Based Problem Solving

2014年04月08日 星期二 14:38

Book Description

Quotient Space Based Problem Solving: A Theoretical Foundation of Granular Computing

Research results obtained by the authors form the basis of this volume. The motivation behind this research is the belief that more human-like characteristics in problem solving should be involved in a formal representation in order to achieve better performance for computer-based problem solvers. While much of the current material available is presented in the language of mathematics, including elementary topology, set theory and statistics, Quotient Space Based Problem Solving presents key concepts and techniques, including basic definitions and theorems in accessible, practical terms before the relevant discussions. Each topic is introduced by simple examples and applications.Quotient Space Based Problem Solving is designed for graduate students, research fellows and technicians in Computer Science, especially Artificial Intelligence, and those concerned with computerized problem solving.

  • Explains the theory of hierarchical problem solving, its computational complexity, and discusses the principle and applications of multi-granular computing
  • Describes a human-like, theoretical framework using quotient space theory, that will be of interest to researchers in artificial intelligence.
  • Provides many applications and examples in the engineering and computer science area.
  • Includes complete coverage of planning, heuristic search and coverage of strictly mathematical models.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Problem Representation
Chapter 2. Hierarchy and Multi-granular Computing
Chapter 3. Information Synthesis in Multi-granular Computing
Chapter 4. Reasoning in Multi-granular Computing
Chapter 5. Automatic Spatial Planning
Chapter 6. Statistical Heuristic Search
Chapter 7. the Expansion of Quotient Space Theory

Addenda A. Some Concepts and Properties of Point Set Topology
Addenda B. Some Concepts and Properties of Integral and Statistical Inference

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 396 pages
  • Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (February 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0124103871
  • ISBN-13: 978-0124103870

2014年04月08日 星期二 15:16

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ0PrU7 密码:2fbd

2014年04月08日 星期二 17:28

wow! very good! thanks!



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