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标题:Network Convergence

2014年02月09日 星期日 11:20

Book Description

Network Convergence: Ethernet Applications and Next Generation Packet Transport Architectures provides the guidance and solutions you’ll need to understand Ethernet and emerging applications such as cloud computing and mobile apps, as well as large-scale retail and business deployments.

This reference starts with an overview of the Ethernet and existing broadband architectures, including XDSL, WIMAX, and VLANs. It moves on to cover next-generation networks and mobile architectures, as well as cloud computing. The book also addresses the convergence of optical, Ethernet and IP/MPLS layers, considered to be the backbone of next-generation packet transport architecture.

If you’re a network designer or architect, a technical sales professional, or if you’re pursuing technical certifications, you will benefit from Network Convergence‘s fundamental information on this rapidly evolving technology.

  • Discusses architectural nuances and includes practical case studies for deploying the next-generation framework for each service type
  • Explains data center and cloud computing interconnect schemes for building next-generation cloud infrastructures that support a new array of requirements
  • Provides configuration schemes from leading vendors, including Cisco, Juniper and Alcatel

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Evolution of Ethernet
Chapter 2. Retail Applications & Broadband Architectures using Ethernet
Chapter 3. Business VPN services using Ethernet
Chapter 4. Ethernet and Cloud Computing
Chapter 5. Ethernet and Mobile Architectures
Chapter 6. MPLS Packet Transport Architectures and Ethernet
Chapter 7. Future Technologies and Applications

Book Details

  • Paperback: 620 pages
  • Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (October 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0123978777
  • ISBN-13: 978-0123978776

2014年02月09日 星期日 11:45

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqzGhUW 密码:w52a



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