2015年06月26日 星期五 10:46
我是在一台台式电脑上进行测试的,系统是CentOS Linux,USB-TTL接口在电脑中表现为一个串口设备,设备名称是/dev/ttyUSB0。
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 cs8 115200 ignbrk -brkint -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke noflsh -ixon -crtscts
<?php /* We should execute the command below to set option of the serial device. stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 cs8 115200 ignbrk -brkint -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke noflsh -ixon -crtscts */ $debug=true; function debug($str) { global $debug; if($debug) echo "debug: $str\n"; } function send_ctrl_z($fp) { fwrite($fp,"\x1A"); } function send_end($fp) { send_ctrl_z($fp); fread($fp,1024); die(); } function read_result($fp){ $crlf=fread($fp,2); if($crlf!= "\r\n") { debug("protocol error, should begin with \\r\\n."); return false; } $line=fgets($fp,1024); if(substr($line,-2) != "\r\n") { debug("protocol error, should end with \\r\\n."); return false; } $result=substr($line,0,-2); debug("<== " . $result); return $result; } function ucs2($str){ $ustr=iconv("utf8","ucs2",$str); $hexstr=bin2hex($ustr); $result=""; for($i=0;$i<strlen($hexstr);$i+=4){ $result .= $hexstr[$i+2] . $hexstr[$i+3] . $hexstr[$i] . $hexstr[$i+1]; } return strtoupper($result); } function open_serial_port() { $fp =fopen("/dev/ttyUSB0", "w+"); if( !$fp) { debug("Can not open serial device."); return false; } if(false === simple_cmd($fp,"ATE0&W")) { return false; } if(false === simple_cmd($fp,"AT")) { return false; } return $fp; } function simple_cmd($fp,$cmd){ debug("==> " . $cmd); sleep(0.1); if(strlen($cmd) == 0) return false; if($cmd[strlen($cmd)-1] != '\r') { $cmd.="\r"; } $ncmd=strlen($cmd); $nw=fwrite($fp, $cmd); if($nw != $ncmd) { debug("send command error: $cmd ."); return false; } sleep(0.1); $result = read_result($fp); return $result; } function send_sms($fp,$phone,$content){ debug("==> " . "send sms: $phone, $content"); sleep(0.1); if( false === simple_cmd($fp,"AT+CMGF=1")){ return false; } if( false === simple_cmd($fp,"AT+CSCS=\"GSM\"")){ return false; } $cmd="AT+CMGS=\"$phone\"\r"; $ncmd=strlen($cmd); $nw=fwrite($fp, $cmd); if($nw != $ncmd) { debug("send command error: $cmd ."); return false; } sleep(0.1); $str=fread($fp,4); if($str != "\r\n> ") { debug("protocol error: should got \\r\\n> "); return false; } $content.="\x1A"; fwrite($fp,$content); if(false === read_result($fp)){ return false; } if(false === read_result($fp)){ return false; } return true; } function send_chinese_sms($fp,$phone,$content){ debug("==> " . "send sms: $phone, $content"); sleep(0.1); if(false === simple_cmd($fp,"AT+CSMP=17,167,2,225")){ return false; } if(false === simple_cmd($fp,"AT+CSCS=\"UCS2\"")){ return false; } $phone=ucs2($phone); $content=ucs2($content); $cmd="AT+CMGS=\"$phone\"\r"; $ncmd=strlen($cmd); $nw=fwrite($fp, $cmd); if($nw != $ncmd) { debug("send command error: $cmd ."); return false; } sleep(0.1); $str=fread($fp,4); if($str != "\r\n> ") { debug("protocol error: should got \\r\\n> "); return false; } $content.="\x1A"; fwrite($fp,$content); if(false === read_result($fp)){ return false; } if(false === read_result($fp)){ return false; } return true; } $fp=open_serial_port(); //send_end($fp); //simple_cmd($fp,"ATI"); send_sms($fp,"+8618601350000","Good Luck!"); send_chinese_sms($fp,"+8618601350000","好大的风!");
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