2010年12月24日 星期五 22:37
あーんなこととか こーんなこととか できたらいいのになぁ…
今日も 乙女の妄想
以心伝心 感じてるぅ
ktkr 超絶!ちょ、ちょwwおまっwww以下(ry
アドリブで突っ込んじゃったら 妄想☆16連打!
誘って受けて 百合揺られ もぅ涙目(;; )
目をつむってるうちに とびっきりーのをア・ゲ・ル♪
やーんなこととか そんなことまで? できたらいいかもなぁ…
今日も 乙女が構想
一攫千金 待っているぅ
プロペラ ブルルン ぶーめらーん ぐるるん
アタシらにできること~ 未来は妄想で決める~
デレ→ツン→デレ フル☆すろっとるー
ちょっちちちちチラ見せ ギリギリで自主規制
完全攻略 暴走☆ふぃにっしゅ!
目をつむってるうちに とびっきりーの、は 如何?
誘って受けて 百合揺られ もぅ涙目(;; )
目をつむってるうちに とびっきりーのを チョーダイ♪
English Title: Fantasy Fetish
I wish I could do things like "this" or "that"...
The girls' fantasy comes flying into my head.
It's here! It's unbelievable! It's... etc.
If your flaming is half-hearted, you'll be barraged with 16 crazy replies!
God is descending. Should I be excited?
I said yes to a date, then got ditched for another girl. I could just cry!
So, why not bump the Fantasy Fetish thread up?
I'll post something mind-blowing while your eyes are closed.
Starting with "this", and going as far as "that"? That could work...
Once again, the girl's looking for a way to get rich quick.
Propellors buzz and Boomerangs spin.
Deciding the future through our fantasies - it's really possible!
dere→tsun→dere full-throttle.
Starts flashing her panties, then at the last second stops.
Composed at first, wild at the end.
Want something nice while your eyes are closed?
God is descending. Should I be excited?
I said yes to a date, then got ditched for another girl. I could just cry!
So, why not rate the Fantasy Fetish thread down?
Then, post something mind-blowing when they least expect it.
Translation by __ar/Ershin.
2011年10月05日 星期三 01:52
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