2014年01月18日 星期六 23:45
C-style string对于初学者来说,非常难以理解和正确使用。很多C++语言的教材都尽量避免涉及C-style string,而是直接讲解C++标准库的string数据类型。C++标准库的string非常直观和容易使用,API非常丰富,代码示例如下:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { string s1; string s2("a simple string"); string s3="another simple string"; string s4(s3); string s5(s3,8,13); string s6(8,'a'); cout << s1 << endl << s2 << endl << s3 << endl; cout << s4 << endl << s5 << endl << s6 << endl; for(auto s : s3 ) { cout << s << " "; } cout << endl; cout << "size of s3: " << s3.size() << endl; cout << "max size of s3: " << s3.max_size() << endl; cout << "capacity of s3: " << s3.capacity() << endl; s3.append("."); cout << "now capacity of s3: " << s3.capacity() << endl; s3.reserve(100); cout << "now capacity of s3: " << s3.capacity() << endl; s3.clear(); cout << "now capacity of s3: " << s3.capacity() << endl; cout << "s3 is empty? " << s3.empty() << endl; s3.shrink_to_fit(); cout << "now capacity of s3: " << s3.capacity() << endl; s3=s2; cout << "first character: " << s3[0] << endl; cout << "first character: " << s3.at(0) << endl; cout << "first character: " << s3.front() << endl; cout << "last character: " << s3.back() << endl; s3+=", yeah"; s3.push_back('.'); s3.pop_back(); printf("s3: %s\n",s3.c_str()); cout << "please input your name:" ; getline(cin,s3); cout << "Hello, " << s3 << endl; auto p=s2.find("simple"); s2.replace(p,6,"complex"); cout << s2 << endl; s2.erase(p,7); cout << s2 << endl; }
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