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OpenSourceCamp Beijing 2009


发起人 程勇
活动类型 会议 - 团体集会
会费 免费
奖品 package , u-disk
参加人数 已有31人参加活动 (还有69个名额)
主办单位 OpenSourceCamp
承办单位 OpenSourceCamp
协办单位 Apache & Eclipse
合作伙伴 BJOpenParty, LinuxPK


城市 北京
地点 北京市海淀区科学院南路2号融科资讯中心
街道 A座8层 Intel中国研究中心
时间 2009年11月28日 星期六 09:00 - 18:30


网站 http://opensourcecamp2009.eventbrite.com/


Open Source Camp is ad-hoc and unconference event that brings together open source developer, Geek , entrepreneurs, academics, venture capitalists, and technology influencer, tech media for an intense user-created conference about open source, emerging technology topics. It's organized by the community, for the community. The event combines,sharing,learning,networking, and fun. Participants, who are experts and innovators in their fields, are also the presenters. The goal is to boost open source community and innovation around the world.

This year is special because we bring together Apache Barcamp and Eclipse DemoCamp at the same time and same place, it's real communites collaboration and meetup. 

Registration   http://opensourcecamp2009.eventbrite.com/

Co Organizers:

About Apache Barcamp : Barcamp Apache is a free dynamics get-together open to the public. Like other unconferences, the schedule will be determined by the participants. 

About Eclipse DemoCamp   : The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal. The idea is for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of research projects, Eclipse open source projects, applications based on Eclipse, commercial products using Eclipse or whatever you think might be of interest to the attendees. The only stipulation is that it must be Eclipse related.   Join EclipseDemo Camp Click Here

Address: Intel China Research Center 8F Raycom Infotech Park A
No. 2 Kexueyuan South Road Haidian District
北京市海淀区科学院南路2号融科资讯中心A座8层 Intel中国研究中心

How To Get There:  Subway Line 10 at ZhiChunLi (知春里) Station, Then Go North West Direction.  Or you can go directly to ZhongGuanCun 1 Street (中关村一街), It's on the south side of the forth cycle main road.

Map: http://eventbrite-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/eventlogos/349923/map.jpg

Partners:    Beijing Open Party      LinuxPK       COSS

Sponsors:   INTEL INTALIO , ConeAdvisor, IBM

NOTICE :   Because H1N1 maybe is spreading fast in Beijing during this season, If you catch cold close to the event day, pls join our event online at  twitter.com/opensourcecamp or  http://www.slideshare.net/opensourcecamp,  thank you!


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