Yinmin Lee 2009年08月13日 星期四 22:26 | 6328次浏览 | 5条评论
enthought python distribution (EPD)
The Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) provides the popular and easy-to-use Python environment bundled with additional modules that make it ideal for interactive technical computing and cross-platform rapid application development.
Don't waste time and money building your own Python distribution. Use our complete set of Python tools and allow everyone in your organization to perform complex scientific, engineering, and statistical analyses and communicate results with compelling visualizations.
The following table lists all of the packages and tools included in the Enthought Python Distribution . You can sort the list by Project Name or Category by clicking the column headers..
Project Name | Version | Category | Summary |
AppInst | 2.0.1 | OS Abstractions | AppInst is an OS abstraction for installing application menus, links and icons. |
AppTools | 3.2.0 | Dev Tools and Support | AppTools implements a set of application building block technologies, such as scripting, help systems, naming contexts, and persistence APIs. |
argparse | 0.8.0 | Dev Tools and Support | An optparse-inspired command-line parsing library. |
basemap | 0.99.1 | Graphics and Plotting | Plots data on map projections with matplotlib. |
bitarray | 0.3.5 | File/Data Formats | Efficient representation of arrays of booleans. |
BlockCanvas | 3.0.2 | Programming Abstractions | BlockCanvas provides a visual environment for creating simulation experiments where function and data are separated. |
Chaco | 3.1.0 | Graphics and Plotting | Chaco is a Python plotting application toolkit that facilitates writing plotting applications at all levels of complexity, from simple scripts with hard-coded data to large plotting programs with complex data interrelationships and a multitude of interactive tools. |
CherryPy | 3.1.0 | Network/Distributed Computing | A Pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework. |
CodeTools | 3.0.2 | Language Tools and Compilers | The CodeTools project includes packages that simplify meta-programming and help the programmer separate data from code in Python. |
configobj | 4.5.3 | File/Data Formats | A simple but powerful configuration file reader and writer. |
coverage | 2.80 | Dev Tools and Support | Measures code coverage during test execution. |
Cython | | Language Tools and Compilers | A language for writing C extensions for Python, based on Pyrex, but with more cutting edge functionality and optimizations. |
docutils | 0.5 | File/Data Formats;Dev Tools and Support | A library for processing plain text documentation to useful formats. |
Enable | 3.1.0 | Graphics and Plotting | Enable is a multi-platform object drawing library built on top of the included Kiva project. Kiva is a multi-platform DisplayPDF vector drawing engine that supports multiple output backends. |
EnthoughtBase | 3.0.2 | Dev Tools and Support | EnthoughtBase provides core packages that are used by many other projects in the Enthought Tool Suite. |
EnvisageCore | 3.1.0 | Programming Abstractions | Envisage is a Python-based framework for building extensible applications, that is, applications whose functionality can be extended by adding "plug-ins". |
EnvisagePlugins | 3.1.0 | Programming Abstractions | The EnvisagePlugins project includes a number of plug-ins for the Envisage framework that we have found useful for building scientific applications. |
EPDLab | 3.0.1 | Dev Tools and Support | EPDLab |
epydoc | 3.0.1 | Dev Tools and Support | Automatically generates API documentation for Python modules from docstrings. |
ETPCore | 1.1.0 | Meta-Packages | Core third-party libraries in EPD. |
ETPLib | 4.3.0 | Meta-Packages | All third-partly libraries in EPD. |
ETS | 3.2.0 | Meta-Packages | A collection of components to construct custom scientific applications. |
ETSDevTools | 3.0.2 | Dev Tools and Support | ETSDevTools includes a set of packages that can be used during the development of a software project, for understanding, debugging, testing, and inspecting code. |
ETSProjectTools | 0.5.0 | Dev Tools and Support | ETSProjectTools provides tools to make it easier for developers to work with the Subversion repository for the Enthought Tool Suite. |
foolscap | 0.2.9 | Network/Distributed Computing | A new version of Twisted's native RPC protocol, known as 'Perspective Broker'. |
fpconst | 0.7.2 | Math and Science | Constants and functions for working with IEEE754 double-precision special values. |
freetype | 2.3.7 | Graphics and Plotting | A high-quality portable font engine. |
gadfly | 1.0.0 | Databases/DB Support | SQL relational database in Python. |
grin | 1.1.1 | Dev Tools and Support | A Python program that searches directories of source code better than grep or find. |
HDF4 | 4.2r3 | File/Data Formats | HDF is a physical file format for storing scientific data. |
hdf5 | 1.8.1 | File/Data Formats | NCSA Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) Software Library and Utilities |
idle | 2.5.4 | core_python | Idle is an interactive python shell and written in Python |
ipython | 0.9.1 | Applications;Dev Tools and Support | An advanced shell for interactive and exploratory computing. |
Jinja2 | 2.1.1 | File/Data Formats;Dev Tools and Support | A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure Python. |
lib_netcdf3 | 3.6.2 | File/Data Formats | Creates, accesses, and shares array-oriented scientific data. |
libxml2 | 2.6.32 | File/Data Formats | XML parser and toolkit. |
libxslt | 1.1.24 | File/Data Formats | XSLT library for XML parsing, tree manipulation and XPath support. |
lxml | 2.1.1 | File/Data Formats | XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API. |
matplotlib | | Graphics and Plotting | Interactive 2-D plotting library. |
Mayavi | 3.2.0 | Graphics and Plotting | Mayavi includes two related packages for 3-dimensionali visualization: Mayavi which is a tool for easy and interactive visualization of data; and TVTK which is a wrapper for the popular, open-source, visualization library known as VTK. |
mingw | 3.4.5 | Language Tools and Compilers | A complete programming tool set, suitable for development of native Windows programs that do not depend on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs. |
mpi4py | 0.6.0 | Network/Distributed Computing | Provides bindings of the MPI standard allowing any Python program to exploit multiple processors. |
mpich2 | 1.0.7 | Network/Distributed Computing | A high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface(MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). |
multiprocessing | | Network/Distributed Computing | Back port of the Python 2.6/3.0 multiprocessing package |
MySQL_python | 1.2.2 | Databases/DB Support | Python interface to MySQL. |
networkx | 0.36 | Math and Science | Package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks. |
nose | 0.10.3 | Dev Tools and Support | Extends the test loading and running features of unittest, making it easier to write, find and run tests. |
numarray | 1.5.2 | Math and Science | Provides array manipulation and computational capabilities similar to those found in IDL, Matlab, or Octave (deprecated in favor of NumPy). |
numpy | 1.3.0 | Math and Science | A general-purpose array-processing package designed to efficiently manipulate large multi-dimensional arrays of arbitrary records. |
PIL | 1.1.6 | Graphics and Plotting | Python Imaging Library provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities. |
ply | 2.5 | Language Tools and Compilers | PLY is a pure-Python implementation of the popular compiler construction tools lex and yacc. |
PyAudio | 0.2.0 | External Devices | Python bindings for PortAudio. |
pycdf | 0.6_3b | File/Data Formats | A Python interface to the Unidata netCDF library. |
pycrypto | 2.0.1 | Math and Science | A collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python. |
pydot | 1.0.2 | Graphics and Plotting | Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language. |
pygarrayimage | 0.0.5 | Graphics and Plotting | Allow NumPy arrays as source of texture data for pyglet. |
pyglet | 1.1.1 | Graphics and Plotting | Object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. |
Pygments | 1.0 | Graphics and Plotting | A code syntax highlighting package written in Python. |
pyhdf | 0.8.3 | File/Data Formats | Python interface to the NCSA HDF4 library. |
PyOpenGL | 3.0.0b5 | Graphics and Plotting | Cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs. |
pyOpenSSL | 0.7 | Network/Distributed Computing | Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library. |
pyparsing | 1.5.0 | Language Tools and Compilers | Python module for creating and executing simple grammars. |
pyproj | 1.8.5 | Math and Science | Performs cartographic transformations and geodetic computations. |
Pyrex | | Language Tools and Compilers | Language for writing Python extension modules. |
pyserial | 2.4 | External Devices | Encapsulates the access for the serial port. |
pytables | 2.0.4 | Databases/DB Support | Manages hierarchical datasets and efficiently and easily copes with extremely large amounts of data. |
python_dateutil | 1.4 | OS Abstractions | Extensions to the standard Python 2.3+ datetime module. |
pytz | 2008c | OS Abstractions | World timezone definitions, modern and historical. |
PyVISA | 1.3 | External Devices | Enables you to control all kinds of measurement equipment through various busses (GPIB, RS232, USB) with Python programs. |
pywin32 | 210 | OS Abstractions | Python extensions for 32-bit Windows. |
Reportlab | 2.1 | File/Data Formats | Generates PDF documents from dynamic data. |
ScientificPython | 2.7.9 | Math and Science | A Python library for common tasks in scientific computing. |
scikits.rsformats | 0.1 | File/Data Formats | A collection of tools for reading Remote Sensing formats. |
SciMath | 3.0.3 | Math and Science | The SciMath project includes packages to support scientific and mathematical calculations |
scipy | 0.8.0.dev5698 | Math and Science | Python libraries for mathematics, science, and engineering. |
scite | 1.74 | Applications;Dev Tools and Support | Text editor based on Scintilla. |
scons | 0.98.5 | Dev Tools and Support | A Pythonic substitute for Make. |
SetupDocs | 1.0.2 | File/Data Formats;Dev Tools and Support | SetupDocs is a setuptools plugin that automates building of docs from ReST source. |
simplejson | 1.9.2 | File/Data Formats | Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python. |
soaplib | 0.7.2 | Network/Distributed Computing | Library for writing and calling SOAP web services. |
SOAPpy | 0.11.6 | Network/Distributed Computing | Web services for Python programmers, both clients and servers. |
Sphinx | 0.6.1 | Dev Tools and Support | A tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of multiple reStructuredText sources). |
SQLAlchemy | 0.4.6 | Databases/DB Support | The Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL. |
swig | 1.3.36 | Language Tools and Compilers | SWIG connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. |
sympy | 0.6.2 | Math and Science | Library for symbolic mathematics. |
Traits | 3.1.0 | Programming Abstractions | A trait gives object attributes some additional characteristics: initialization, validation, delegation, notification, and visualization. |
TraitsBackendQt | 3.1.0 | App/GUI Building Blocks | The TraitsBackendQt project contains an implementation of TraitsGUI using PyQt. |
TraitsBackendWX | 3.1.0 | App/GUI Building Blocks | The TraitsBackendWX project contains an implementation of TraitsGUI using wxPython. |
TraitsGUI | 3.0.4 | App/GUI Building Blocks | A toolkit-independent GUI abstraction layer (known as Pyface), which is used to support the "visualization" features of the Traits package. |
Twisted | 8.1.0 | Network/Distributed Computing | An asynchronous networking framework written in Python. |
VTK | 5.2.0 | Graphics and Plotting | System for 3-D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. |
Whoosh | 0.1.12 | search | A pure-Python indexing and search library |
WhooshDoc | 1.0 | Dev Tools and Support | An indexed, full-text search tool for Python docstrings. |
wxPython | | App/GUI Building Blocks | Python wrapper around the wxWidgets C++ GUI library. |
ZConfig | 2.6.0 | File/Data Formats | Configuration library that supports hierarchical, XML-based schemas. |
zdaemon | 2.0.2 | OS Abstractions | Daemon process control library and tools for Unix-based systems. |
ZODB3 | 3.8.0 | Databases/DB Support | The Zope Object Database provides an object-oriented database for Python with a high-degree of transparency. |
zope.interface | 3.4.1 | Programming Abstractions | Zope infrastructure for object interfaces. |
zope.proxy | 3.4.2 | Programming Abstractions | Zope generic transparent proxies. |
zope.testing | 3.5.4 | Dev Tools and Support | Zope testing framework, including the testrunner script. |
Zeuux © 2025
回复 周琦 2009年08月14日 星期五 22:00
难道没有 maketing 的 就没有市场
回复 Yinmin Lee 2009年08月14日 星期五 22:18