Shawn 2009年08月01日 星期六 23:20 | 1492次浏览 | 0条评论
应该也不少人看了master of doom...虽然doom3和quake4的确不错,但还是有那么一帮玩家保持着old school的风格...就是skulltag :
skulltag不错~有个朋友把doom2.wad也加进去了 等于重玩doom2,只是space可以跳跃了,以前dos下不行.id的东东的确令人疯狂,不知道这里还有多少id玩家?顺便说说id software的一贯作风就是当next-gen engine发布时就把以前的engine以GPL开源,下面就以那句都被传烂的John Carmack的谈话结束:
"In the information age, the barriers [to entry into programming] just aren't there. The barriers are self imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don't need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers."
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