王静丽 2009年07月29日 星期三 01:31 | 2462次浏览 | 8条评论
"Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field."
TOPIC: ISSUE168 - "Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field."
With the high-technology leading to more complexities and issues, we are faced with lot of information to make a decision, and also we have stepped into an age of experts, to whom we turn for help and advice, and we believe in experts more than any time in human history. However, not all the time only the experts' critical judgment of work has value, in fact, the public's views also has great value, which cannot be replaced.
It is really the fact that we are living in an age of believing in experts. Because that we are faced with plenty of problems every day , meanwhile are in the sea of all kinds of information; therefore, in order to solve the puzzles, we have to step into an age of experts, and we are accustomed to turn to experts for help or advice of the issues, from the small ones, such as what colour of the nail polish fits us better, to the big ones, such as where our nation will go in the financial crisis. From the presentation above, we can know that we trust in experts and experts really valuable to us, in other words, experts have been a inevitably consequence of the times.
However, that experts' critical judgment of work is of great value does not mean that others' judgment is not. Actually, in many aspects, the judgment really contributes to the work. For example, in the film field, if the director wants to make a great film, the most important thing for him or her is thinking how to satisfy the audience, but not the experts of film. That is to say, he or she have to take the audience' judgment into account, but not the film critics’ judgment. Thus, from this we can conclude that the public's views are of great value, which cannot be ignored or look down upon.
What's more, the public's judgment is not only valuable , but also important for the work, because there are some experts, who are not responsible at all, mislead the public. In such occasions , the public's judgment can be a strong supervision upon the experts. This phenomenon occurs so often in the field of ads, which is called the new century's arts. Many experts in ads often exaggerate the function of the products, without testing the products by themselves, especially in medicine and cosmetics ads. Experience has told us painful lessons, such as the cancer patient gets worse and worse, even nearly loses life, just because of taking the medicine in the ads, recommended by some famous cancer experts, a beautiful girl nearly disfigures just because of using the cosmetics in the ads, recommended by some experts of this field. Therefore, the public's judgment is a supervision to urge the experts responsible , and thus, their judgment is of great value as the experts.
In conclusion, experts' judgement is more rationable and authorible, and contributes a lot to the work; while others' judgment not only contributes to the work, but also is a pressure for the experts to be responsible enough, which in fact is also another kind of judgment, maybe indirect judgment, however, badly needed.
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回复 林振华 2009年08月02日 星期日 15:01
回复 王静丽 2009年08月02日 星期日 23:08
回复 林振华 2009年08月03日 星期一 18:08
回复 孙铭阳 2009年08月02日 星期日 23:38