王静丽 2009年07月26日 星期日 23:56 | 4348次浏览 | 20条评论
TOPIC: ISSUE76 - "Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society."
TOPIC: ISSUE76 - "Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society."
WORDS: 708 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE: 2009/7/26 17:02:53
It may be, in the old times, true that many truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society, such as Galileo , Vincent Van Groh . However, not all of them are out of step with the time, such as Newton, Curie. Fu r thermore, we are in the age of high technology and information leading to being known very easier than any time of the human history, and profound thinkers and highly creative artists are easier (not more easy) to catch up with the time if they want to.
There really are plenty of profound thinkers and highly creative artists out of the step of their time. Often, the reasons why they cannot catch up with their times are various, such as the status of them making they do not have the power to make their words heard, their characteristics may also prevent them from the whole public. For example, they may be shy and not easy to get on well with, or often speak words which may harm others. Take the famous writer, Tolstoy , as an example, he is really having ability and deep thoughts, and also writes plenty of famous books. However, he is very self-behaved, and does not want to stay with others, even with his wife and children, and finally, he cannot stand the pressure of staying with the members of his family he chooses to get away out of home. In addition, there are many great people like that. Thus, they are easily out of the step of their time and their society, just as one ph i losopher has said " ( 没有空格!!! ) The talent people are always different from and far from us ordinary people".
Otherwise, not all of the great minds are choosing to get out of the step with their time and their society, such as Curie and Newton. Let me tell the details of them in turns, first is the great scientist, who is the first woman to win the Noble Prize, and also the first women professor to go to the stage of the Paris Science Centre. She is very silent and easy to get on well with, and when her husband unluckily/unfortunately passed away, many people are willing to help her. Also, her good characteristics have given her great presentation in her career and two good daughters. And so as to Newton, who has the similar experience with Curie. When he is very young, he has been the leader of Science Centre of the whole country. Not only he gets a lot of achievements , but also he helps a lot of the new to get many achievements. Thus, they are many truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists being known as the great ones of the nation, or even the whole world. In fact, many of them have make contributions to the world to walk forward or even run forward at a high speed.
What is more, we are in a very different age, in which the high technolo g y has made information communication so easily. Nowadays, the telephone, the television, or the Internet, have make it is so easier to get a fame, which is totally different from the old days, in which if you do not have the power to make your words heard, even though your ideas or inventions are truly great and meaningful. In fact, in modern times , if you want to be famous or be approved by the public, you do not have to worry the expenses, only if you have the true talent. Certainly, some people, who are the truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists, however, hate to be famous, and only like the feelings of no disturbing, must be ruled out.
In conclusion, not all of the great thinkers and highly creative artists are out the step with their time and their society. In old days, the great people more easily to be out of the time and the society, mainly because of the society reasons or the personal characteristics. Nowadays, with the high development of technology, and new information tool being invented at a fast speed, it is becoming so easy to get a famous, certainly the base is that the one wants and really has the true ability.
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回复 邓楠 2009年07月28日 星期二 11:21
回复 王静丽 2009年07月28日 星期二 22:52
回复 夏清然 2009年07月28日 星期二 11:24
回复 邓楠 2009年07月28日 星期二 11:28
回复 夏清然 2009年07月28日 星期二 11:32
回复 邓楠 2009年07月28日 星期二 12:16