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土豆  2010年08月09日 星期一 15:43 | 2744次浏览 | 0条评论


;; Copyright (C) 2007 Brad Beveridge

;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Alessandro Piras

;; Copyright (C) 2008 Frank Fischer

;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jason Spiro <http://www.jspiro.com/>

;; Copyright (C) 2010 Vegard Øye


;; Author: Brad Beveridge et al.

;; Maintainer: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>

;; Created: 23 Aug 2007

;; Version: 0.4

;; Keywords: emulations, viper

;; Human-Keywords: vim, visual-mode, rsi, ergonomics, emacs pinky

;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/vimpulse.el

;; Git and bug tracker: http://www.assembla.com/spaces/vimpulse/

;;      Send patches to http://trac-git.assembla.com/vimpulse/report/1

;; Mailing list: <implementations-list at lists.ourproject.org>

;;      http://tinyurl.com/implementations-list

;;      You don't have to subscribe.  We usually reply within a few

;;      days and CC our replies back to you.

;; Related: viper.el, viper-in-more-modes.el


;; Thanks to our old maintainers:

;;      Alessandro Piras

;;      Jason Spiro

;; We'll miss you as maintainers :)


;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.


;;; Commentary:


;; Vimpulse emulates Vim's most useful features, including Visual mode

;; Vimpulse 模拟VIM 大部分功能,包含可视化模式,和文本对象,Vimpulse修正了VIPER模式 以辅助模式模拟VI

;; and text objects.  Vimpulse is a set of modifications to Viper, the

;; minor mode that emulates vi.  Vimpulse is not a minor mode; as soon

;; as it is loaded, Viper will start working in a more Vim-like way.


;; Vimpulse is beta software.  It seems to work quite well with

;; GNU Emacs 22.3 and 23.1.  There are some problems with Undo in

;; XEmacs 21.4.22.  Please send us compatibility info about other

;; versions.


;;Vimpulse是一个测试软件,运行在GNU Emacs 22.3 and 23.1模式下.Undo在XEmacs 21.4.22版本下有一些问题,欢迎你请寄给我们有关其他版本信息的补丁和功能要求

;; Patches and feature requests are welcome.


;;; Installation:



;; If you checked out from Git, do `make all' to produce

;; vimpulse-big.el.  If on Windows, you can run compile.bat.  Then:


;;如果你通过GIT得到,通过运行 `make all'  得到vimpulse-big.el.



;; 1. Copy vimpulse.el (or vimpulse-big.el) to somewhere in your

;;    load-path, e.g., your site-lisp directory.



;;复制vimpulse.el (或 vimpulse-big.el)到你的EMACS加载路径下,或者是是EMACS下的site-lisp目录



;; 2. Comment out and add the following line to your .emacs file:


;;        (require 'vimpulse)


;;修改你的 .emacs 文件,添加(require 'vimpulse)


;;    If .emacs does not exist, create it.  If you use Windows,

;;    see http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/faq3.html.

;;如果你的 .emacs不存在,请建立他.如果你在windows 平台.请查看http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/faq3.html.



;; That's all the required steps.  The rest is optional:



;; 3. If using GNU Emacs, download and install

;;    http://wonderworks.com/download/redo.el to get C-r

;;    (redo key) to work.  redo.el is included with XEmacs.

;; 如果你使用GNU Emacs,请下载http://wonderworks.com/download/redo.el


;; Vimpulse automatically enables Viper.  You can temporarily disable

;; Viper (and Vimpulse) with the C-z key.


;;Vimpulse 将自动启用 Viper模式. 你可以用ctrl+z暂时禁用

;;; Usage:


;; To use Visual mode, press v in vi (command) mode.  Then use the

;; motion commands to expand the selection.  Press d to delete, c to

;; change, r to replace, or y to copy.  You can use p to paste.  For

;; Line selection, press V instead of v; then you can copy and paste

;; whole lines.  For Block selection, press C-v; now you can copy and

;; paste the selected rectangle.  In Block selection, you may use I

;; or A to insert or append text before or after the selection on each

;; line.

;;要使用可视模式,在vi(命令)模式下,键入v.下面的命令建议大家查看vim 中文帮助.

;; Other features:


;; Vimpulse supports text objects: daw, daW, das, dap, dab, daB, da(,

;; da[, da{, da<, da", da', as well as diw, diW, dis, etc.  To change

;; an object: caw, cas, etc.  To yank it: yaw, yas, etc.  To select it:

;; vaw, vas, etc.



;; The extended documentation is still in its early stages, but you

;; can view drafts at



;; http://trac-git.assembla.com/vimpulse/wiki/Documentation


;; The documentation that comes with Vim -- which is online at

;; http://vimdoc.sf.net/ -- may also be helpful.


;; Tips:


;; - Vimpulse makes C-r run `redo' in command mode, but you can

;;   still get reverse isearch by pressing C-s and then C-r.


;; - To change the color of Visual mode, add the following to .emacs:

;;   (set-face-background 'region "blue") ; `zmacs-region' in XEmacs

;; 要改变可视化模式下的选择文本的颜色,请在.emacs添加 (set-face-background 'region "blue") 




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