陈莉君 2010年02月18日 星期四 17:01 | 2410次浏览 | 10条评论
看到 Meego 推出,无缘由的喜欢,直觉上,因为这个名字“ Meego” ,直译成中文“我行”,再加两个字“我行我素”。实际上,直觉背后,总是隐藏着真实缘由。
在这个网络即地球村的时代,所想即所得,于是,我直奔 Meego 老家 Meego.com ,加入这个家庭(邮件列表)才能感受到村民们互助互进的氛围,仅仅做一个旁观者也很难与家庭成员建立起纽带。
昨天刚刚加入,今天早晨十几封邮件已经悄然躺在邮箱中。其中,大家争论最多的问题之一就是 Meego 到底该采用 rpm 还是 deb ,各抒己见,没有定论。当某一天,我们看到一个活跃的小鸡在面前晃动,可能会在脑子中闪现一下“这小鸡到底是怎么哺成的?”实际上,阅读一封封邮件的过程,就是目睹从鸡蛋演化为小鸡的过程,这其中的乐趣甚至超过看到小鸡出世的那一瞬间。
其中, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 的邮件中写到:
Yes! In particular, we need marketing and sales people - MeeGo has to be *better* than iPhone / iPad, Android and ChromeOS, and the world needs to know *why* it's better.
Yes! I want to collect the factors why meego's better. How can I do?
My own take is
1. MeeGo is totally open. Apple is mostly closed. Android is mostly open, but ChromeOS is open only on the device - the actual apps run in Google's cloud.
2. MeeGo is a single platform. for handhelds and netbooks. Apple has an iPhone / iPad platform. and a laptop / desktop platform, and no netbook at all. Google has a handheld platform. and a netbook platform.
3. You can run almost any Linux app on MeeGo, given enough RAM and processor capacity. iPhone / iPad apps need to be developed specifically for the platform. Most open source apps will run on the MacOS X laptops and desktops. Android apps need to be developed specifically for the platform, and ChromeOS "netbooks" don't run apps at all - just a browser.
4. For the developer, I think MeeGo is way easier to work with. But I don't know that developers are the target market. Linux, after all, has one percent of the desktop / laptop market share. ;-) (And 99 percent of my attention share - the other 1 percent is devoted to weekly virus scan and Windows Vista updates. ;-)
Zeuux © 2025
回复 王炜 2010年05月24日 星期一 16:07